Why you don't trust your linter
Jeroen Engels
Jeroen Engels
@jfmengels everywhere
Elm Radio podcast
(we're hiring)
# pylint: disable=rule
# rubocop:disable rule
// phpcs:disable rule
// eslint-disable rule
You don't trust your linter
False positives
Automatic fixes
Ignoring reports
False positives
when the tool reports issues that it shouldn't have
when the tool reports issues that it shouldn't have
// linter-disable
// linter-disable
// linter-disable
How should I fix this issue?
Should I ignore this report?
Causes of false positives
Missing information
False positives/negatives
(when the tool doesn't report an issue that it should have reported)
Providing information
Contents of all files in the project
Type information
Files from different languages
How easy is it to analyze the language?
Compiled languages
Statically typed languages
Explicit patterns
Dynamic constructs
Effective false positives
true positives that are considered to be false positives
How is the error communicated?
Not sufficient to help the
developer fix the issue
File path
Rule name
Developers need to understand
What they did wrong
Why it is a problem
How to move forward
Not understanding reports
leads to workarounds
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
-- elm-review-disable-next-line
[ Attr.style "height" "34px"
, Events.onClick UserClickedOnRemoveButton
[ Html.text "Remove" ]
Rule name
code extract
File path
and location
Automatic fixes
Prompt for fixes
Configuring linters
Accidental configuration
Essential configuration
Accidental configuration
What language features are available/enabled?
What tools does this project work with? Build tools, macros...
False positives
because of the configuration
Tell the tool how to work with your project because it can't figure some information on its own
Accidental configuration
All necessary information
in standard files
// elm.json
"type": "application",
"source-directories": [
"elm-version": "0.19.1",
"dependencies": {
"...": "..."
Essential configuration
Tell the tool what you want from it
Which rules do you want to enable?
Configuring elm-review
config : List Rule
config =
[ NoBadThing.rule
, NoOtherBadThing.rule { some = "options" }
-- ...and more rules
Enable rules
you agree with
false positive ≈ error you disagree with
Advice on adding a rule
Be ready to disable the rule if it feels painful
Understand the problem well
Get your team's approval
Understand not all rules are good
Don't use other people's configuration
Ignoring reports
# pylint: disable=rule
# rubocop:disable rule
// phpcs:disable rule
// eslint-disable rule
Disable comments
For rules you don't want to enforce...?
For rules you want to enforce
Line 10: Don't do this thing
Line 11: Don't do this thing
Line 12: Don't do this thing
Line 13: Don't do this thing
Line 14: Don't do this thing
Line 15: Don't do this thing
Line 16: Don't do this thing
Line 17: Don't do this thing
Line 18: Don't do this thing
Line 19: Don't do this thing
Line 20: Don't do this thing
Line 21: Don't do this thing
Line 22: Don't do this thing
Line 23: Don't do this thing
Line 24: Don't do this thing
Line 25: Don't do this thing
Line 26: Don't do this thing
Line 27: Don't do this thing
Line 28: Don't do this thing
Line 29: Don't do this thing
Line 30: Don't do this thing
Line 31: Don't do this thing
Line 32: Don't do this thing
Line 33: Don't do this thing
Line 34: Don't do this thing
Line 35: Don't do this thing
Line 36: Don't do this thing
Line 37: Don't do this thing
Line 38: Don't do this thing
Line 39: Don't do this thing
Line 23: Don't do this thing
Line 38: Don't do this thing
Line 16: Don't do this thing
Line 23: Don't do this thing
Line 38: Don't do this thing
Advice on how to use
// linter-disable
Not available in elm-review
-- elm-review-disable rule
Rules with exceptions
Higher quality rules
Don't write the rule
Disable comments and warnings
enable bad quality rules
When the rule doesn't make sense in some places
config : List Rule
config =
[ NoUnused.Variables.rule
, NoDebug.Log.rule
|> Rule.ignoreErrorsForDirectories [ "tests/" ]
Allowing existing errors
gradually adopt a rule
Deprecating a function
{-| Does something.
@deprecated Use someBetterFunction which does it better.
someFunction input =
-- do something with input
Deprecating a function
# pylint: disable=rule
# rubocop:disable rule
// phpcs:disable rule
// eslint-disable rule
Line 10: Don't do this thing
Line 11: Don't do this thing
Line 12: Don't do this thing
Line 13: Don't do this thing
Line 14: Don't do this thing
Line 15: Don't do this thing
Line 16: Don't do this thing
Line 17: Don't do this thing
Line 18: Don't do this thing
Line 19: Don't do this thing
Line 20: Don't do this thing
Line 21: Don't do this thing
Line 22: Don't do this thing
Line 23: Don't do this thing
Line 24: Don't do this thing
Line 25: Don't do this thing
Line 26: Don't do this thing
Line 27: Don't do this thing
Line 28: Don't do this thing
Line 29: Don't do this thing
Line 30: Don't do this thing
Line 31: Don't do this thing
Line 32: Don't do this thing
Line 33: Don't do this thing
Line 34: Don't do this thing
Line 35: Don't do this thing
Line 36: Don't do this thing
Line 37: Don't do this thing
Line 38: Don't do this thing
Line 39: Don't do this thing
Suppressing errors
"version": 1,
"automatically created by": "elm-review suppress",
"learn more": "elm-review suppress --help",
"suppressions": [
{ "count": 7, "filePath": "src/Api.elm" }
$ elm-review suppress
No new errors
Introducing a new error
Fixing a suppressed error
To summarize...
False positives and
effective false positives
lead to losing trust
Remove false reports
by providing more information
What is the problem?
Why is it a problem?
How to solve the problem?
Avoid accidental configuration
as much as possible
Only enable rules
you agree with
Better alternatives than
disable comments and warnings
to ensure rules are enforced
Tools can only gain trust by
correctly and transparently
doing their tasks
over and over again
Please open issues
to improve your linter
Thank you!
Jeroen Engels
Learn more:
Talk: Static analysis tools love pure FP
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rzoyBq4hJ0Elm Radio podcast
Slides: https://slides.com/jfmengels/why-you-dont-trust-your-linter
Why you don't trust your linter
By Jeroen Engels
Why you don't trust your linter
Talk for GOTO Copenhagen 2022
- 406