


Choosing a Mobile Strategy

Jeff French


Choose Hybrid

Am I hybrid fanboy?


Have I ever built a native app?


Does that make me grossly unqualified to advise you about hybrid vs native?


What is a native app?

Platform specific Language

Platform Specific UI

Code Reuse: 0%

Objective-C / SWIFT   |   Java   |   Xaml

What is A Hybrid App?

Native WebView

JS API to access native functionality


Code Reuse: 95% - 100%

What is the Grey Area?

Transpilers: More than meets the eye

Native device APIs in a common language

Common Business Logic

Platform Specific UI

Code Reuse: 70% - 80%

Xamarin    |    Appcelerator Titanium

WHEN to choose Native

You only care about one platform

Your app is highly dependent on a platform-specific feature

Your app uses heavy 3D rendering

Why is hybrid good for the 95% case?

Plugins to provide native functionality

(Barcode Scanners, GPS, Contacts, Camera, NFC, Bluetooth, etc)

Frameworks to provide native look and behaviors

(Ionic, Sencha Touch, KendoUI)

The performance myth

Facebook dropped html5 and went Native, shouldn't I do the same?



Choose Hybrid

See, I told you I was fan boy!

Any questions?

Jeff French
Follow: @jeff_french
Blog: geekindulgence.com

Hybrid vs Native: Choosing a Mobile Strategy

By Jeff French

Hybrid vs Native: Choosing a Mobile Strategy

In today’s mobile-first world almost every company has realized the need to connect with consumers on mobile devices. Now you, the developer, must figure out how to build it! Objective-C, Java, Xamarin, PhoneGap, Appcelerator, Icenium: there are so many ways to build a mobile app today, how do you choose? In this session I will cover the pros and cons of native app development and HTML5 hybrid app development to help you make the right choice based on the needs of YOUR app.

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