Building a Simple React Native App w/ React-Router-Native


Sr Consultant @ Object Partners Inc.

Install create-react-native-app command line


Install Expo

Create a New React Native App

create-react-native-app BugFinder


Open the BugFinder directory in Expo

Do not run npm start


Install the NativeBase (bootstrap for react-native)

npm install native-base @expo/vector-icons  --save

Add a login form


Great but now I only have a login form. What if I want a sign up form?


 npm install --save react-router-native

Does the current route match this path?

Yes => Render this component

What is a navigator (react-navigation)?

Does the current route match this path?

Yes => Render this component

Does the current route match this path?

Yes => Render this component

Regular (stack) navigator path: /



Tabs navigator path:

Regular (stack) navigator path:

Unfortunately it falls apart with multiple navigators!



Tabs navigation

Regular front-back navigation

< User clicks!

We have to have cross navigator communication. Ew.

(also broken in react-navigation)


Regular front-back navigation

Building a React Native Router with React-Router-Native

By jimthedev

Building a React Native Router with React-Router-Native

  • 1,387