Vybrané techniky vývoje
Jiří Urban, Tomáš Juřička, Stanislav Čermák, Petr Žáček
Overview of this course
- Started at UTB in 2017
- as a copy of famous VŠE course
- In cooperation with Papirfly
Overview of this course
- Basic of Scrum methodology
- Lean canvas
- Understanding of agile principles
- Collaborate as a team
- Form a scrum team and learn how to cooperate
- Learn how to collaborate as a development team
- Set up a software project from idea to production
About us
- Product owners:
- Jiří Urban - jiri.urban@ciklum.com
- Karolína Nesrstová - karolina.nesrstova@ciklum.com
- Stanislav Čermák - stanislav.cermak@ciklum.com
- Technical team:
- Tomáš Juřička - tomas.juricka@ciklum.com
- David Dlugosz - david.dlugosz@ciklum.com
- Tomáš Trčka - tomas.trcka@ciklum.com
What will you learn
- Project management based knowledge:
- Lean canvas
- Set up a backlog, create MVP
- Basics of Scrum framework
- Agile mindset
- Create wireframes in figma
- Technical based knowledge:
- Work with GIT, collaboration techniques
- implement CI/CD
- Set up and understand architecture in .NET on backend
- Usage of Blazor or React on frontend
- And much more
How we will do it
- Working on a "real" project for whole semester
- You will form a teams which will work on a product
- You will cooperate together as a team from product idea to final product
- You will create a modern SPA application.
- You will experience agile atmosphere of modern software development
What will be the costs...
- Almost full attendance is required (3 absences allowed)
- Your time outside of classroom during whole semester
- Transparent communication
- It will be a lot of fun and also a lot of work (like in real work)
- Introduce yourself:
- Coding experience (language, FE, BE)
- Software development experience (QA, Dev, PM, ....)
- Work experience
- What do you expect from this class
- What could be your role in a team
Project elevator pitch
Starting now...
Forming the teams
- Form your teams, find your colleagues and form a team with 5-6 members
- Find out the team name
- Send me list of members with Name and Email to
- Project Azure devops link:
Communication platform
Discord channel link: https://discord.gg/9K8PSk4Z7b
All for today...
- Lectures:
- Every Monday 15:00 - 18:00
- in 51/220
- Main communication platform:
- Discord and emails
- Class materials:
- https://tomas-juri.github.io/STAG-AUIUI-P8VT/docs/2025/
Class materials
VTV - 1stLesson
By Jiri Urban
VTV - 1stLesson
- 90