Lean Canvas
Jiří Urban, Tomáš Juřička, Stanislav Čermák, Karolína Nesrstová, David Dlugosz, Tomáš Trčka
Start up idea
Start up curve
Lean Canvas
- One page business plan
- Nothing is wrong, it's all about learning
- Everything needs to be verified with real customers.
- Shouldn't take more than 20 minutes
Spend more time with building and not planning!
- List your top 1-3 problems
- Specify customer problems that your product is meant to solve
Existing Alternatives
- List your closest competitors that are already solving the specified problems
- Nothing is the biggest competition
Customer Segments
- Narrow down the customer segment as accurately as possible
- Separate users and customers
Early adopters
- Specify the actual people who will be the first to use the raw product and provide feedback
Unique value propositions
- Describe the uniqueness of your product and show its key difference from the existing alternative
High level concept
- Shape a short and easy to understand statement about your product
- Find something similar - Uber is like a taxi but cheaper, safer and more flexible
- Outline the solution for each problem
- Name 3 main features which will help customers with their problems
Develop a product that meets the needs of your customers!
- Specify communication channels to reach out to your target audience
Social network is not enough!
- Find something budget friendly
- Conferences, word of mouth, networking...
Cost structure & Revenue Streams
Cost structure
- List your costs!
- Development, marketing, time....
Revenue streams
- List the ways your product will generate revenue from customers
- Premium, Freemium, trials....
Key metrics
- Define key tracking metrics to measure the progress of your business
- What you want to achieve?
Define a number which will show "GJ"
- Define a start when you'll start to measure
- Define a point when customer gets added value
Unfair advantage
- A special thing about your idea that your competitors are not able to copy
Life's not fair!
- You won't survive without advantage.
- Being first is not a competitive advantage
Lean Canvas
- Solution is not the product. The business plan is your product.
- Identify and mitigate potential risks!
- Conduct experiments and validation to determine effectiveness
- Update your Lean Canvas on regular basis
VTV - 2stLesson - Lean Canvas
By Jiri Urban
VTV - 2stLesson - Lean Canvas
- 18