Jamie Murphy

Front-end Developer









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(stay for beer)

Analytics For Developers

Why you should consider analytics as a developer


Websites are not just about UX & Looks


    Leads to your client trusting you


You learn & improve much more


    Case Studies & data to sell yourself to new clients


This data is also perfect to justify yourself


Goals & Events

Goals track KPIs

  • Sales, sign up, etc 
  • Provides Conversion %
  • has to have a destination


Events Track Users

  • Scroll to a % of a page
  • Play a video


Event Examples

function handleOutboundLinkClicks(event) {
  ga('send', 'event', {
    eventCategory: 'Outbound Link',
    eventAction: 'click',
    eventLabel: event.target.href
ga('send', {
  hitType: 'event',
  eventCategory: 'Videos',
  eventAction: 'play',
  eventLabel: 'Homepage Explanation'

How this looks in Analytics

How do they benefit you as a developer?

  • You see what users interact with
  • You know where to suggest improvements
  • You have data to back up/destroy your theories
  • You learn what users love & hate
    • Every project you learn more!
      • can even identify differences in markets!

Goal Examples

  • Checkout Completion
  • Lead Generation
  • Registration
  • Extreme Interaction (content sites)

How goals look in Analytics

How do they benefit you as a developer?

  • You evaluate performance by agreed KPIs
  • Identify problem areas
  • Case Studies! (I increased key KPIs by 20%)

Use Cases



Website Re-Design


  • Before   - Evaluate existing site FIRST

  • Middle   - THEN design & build your new website

  • After      - evaluate your own performance

Use Cases



New Website


  • Before - clearly identify goals & performance criteria

  • Middle - build with these in mind

  • After - evaluate performance



You will not get it right first time!


Tell this to your client. Don't be afraid!

Use Cases



Landing Pages


  • Bounce Rates!

  • Use events! (affects bounce rates)

  • Importance criteria essential


Use Cases



Not just for E-Commerce!!


Lead Generation

Content Services

User Events

Brochure Websites




  • You don't know everything
  • Don't ever dive straight in!!
  • You learn
  • You can identify differences in markets
  • You can justify & quantify your work!
  • You add value to yourself
  • You stand out!
  • Your job gets more interesting!
  • You're no longer JUST a developer
  • You're indispensable!

Meetup #8

By Jamie Murphy