Math Tech

Spring 2020

Follow Along at

Tentative Schedule

Canvas & CidiLabs

Bulk Editing Dates

Creating Accessible Documents with Mathematical Notation


While using MathType to create MathML is a “giant leap” in accessibility, it does not satisfy all of the goals to create accessible math. A better way to deliver accessible math is through web pages as stated by W3C.

The MSU “Enhancing the Accessibility of Mathematics and Symbolic Content” project is currently developing a tool to easily embed MathML in online XHTML documents and web pages. This is the ultimate and universal design way to experience math with many potential learning enhancements.

Tutorial prepared by MSU Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD).

Cidi Labs

Canvas Design Tool

Access CidiLabs

  • Edit a "Page" in Canvas
  • Alt-Shift-D

One Drive Groups

a way to share files

Access Files

On Campus

Department Files (S:)

  • Open file manager window
  • type \\filesc1
  • Open Sierra > Math Department > Staff

Private Files (N:)

  • Open file manager window
  • type \\filesc1
  • Open Users > username

Web Files (W:)

  • Open file manager window
  • type \\iisinstruction
  • Open Math_Faculty > username

\\filesc1 or \\iisinstruction

Access Files

Off Site

  2. Click Math Faculty
  3. (First time only) Install the plugin
    (see video below)
  4. Once connected, your computer will act as if it is at Sierra College, and you can access your files just as on the previous slide

Word Online

  • Go to OneDrive
  • Create a new Word File
  • Create a table
  • Share with colleagues

Canvas Bulk Date Change

Alternative to CidiLabs approach, using Google Sheets

Get a Canvas Access Token

In Google Drive

  • Copy the Course Dates Spreadsheet
  • In the spreadsheet, File -> Spreadsheet Settings
    Set the correct timezone
  • Go to "Canvas" menu in spreadsheet
  • Choose "Configure API Settings"
  • Enter "" for hostname
  • Enter your Access Token from previous slide
  • Go to "Canvas -> Specify Course"
  • Change dates
  • Go to "Canvas->Save Dates"

Math Tech - Spring 2020 Flex

By jkesler

Math Tech - Spring 2020 Flex

An introduction to the technology available to the math department

  • 2,080