Use proper plugins

 without errors or notices 

Gravity Forms

Advanced Custom Fields  with the WP-CLI add-on*

Download monitor
Woo Sidebars

* could use a overhaul or may be included in core ; )

Render a template part

<?php $person = $template_args['person']; ?>
<div class="vcard contact-person">

$avatar_id = get_field( 'ss_user_avatar', 'user_' . $person->ID );
$avatar = wp_get_attachment_image( $avatar_id, 'thumbnail');

<div class="avatar"><?php echo $avatar; ?></div>
<ul class="details">

<li><h3 class="fn"><?php echo $person->display_name; ?></h3></li>
<li class="tel"><b>T</b> <span class="value"><?php echo get_user_meta( $person->ID, 'phone', true ); ?></span></li>
<?php $email = antispambot( $person->user_email ); ?>
<li><b>E</b> <a class="email" href="mailto:<?php echo antispambot( $email ); ?>"><?php echo antispambot( $email ); ?></a></li>

Theme check | more info Theme Review
Theme mentor

Theme development - Numero Dos

By Jaime Martinez

Theme development - Numero Dos

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