Jonas Neergaard-Nielsen PRO
Associate Professor @ DTU Physics, Denmark
Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen, Ulrich B. Hoff,
Johann Kollath-Bönig, Ulrik L. Andersen
QPIT, Dept. of Physics, Technical University of Denmark
Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen, Ulrich B. Hoff,
Johann Kollath-Bönig, Ulrik L. Andersen
QPIT, Dept. of Physics, Technical University of Denmark
Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics 2016
Kolymbari, Crete
Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics 2016
Kolymbari, Crete
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Goal (dream?):
to engineer macroscopic quantum states
of macroscopic objects
in particular:
a mechanical oscillator being in
a superposition of "here" and "there"
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UB Hoff et al., arXiv:1601.01663
Our proposal:
create and measure a mechanical superposition state using
M. Aspelmeyer, T.J. Kippenberg, F. Marquardt,
Rev. Mod. Phys. 86, 1391 (2014)
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nonlinear, but weak interaction
use strong driving field and linearize
QND interaction
backaction (displacement)
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QND interaction
evolution for
+ quadrature measurement
+ feedback
M. Vanner et al., PNAS 108, 16182 (2011)
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brief pulse when oscillator in max. position - momentum kick
(unresolved sideband regime)
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1. Cooling of one quadrature
2. State transfer
3. Mechanical state tomography
M. Vanner et al., PNAS 108, 16182 (2011)
3 wishes at once!
live slides:
1. Cooling of one quadrature
2. State transfer
3. Mechanical state tomography
1. Cooling of one quadrature
2. State transfer
3. Mechanical state tomography
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1. Cooling of one quadrature
2. State transfer
3. Mechanical state tomography
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core tool for hybrid CV-DV QIP
photon-subtracted squeezed vacuum state ("kitten")
UL Andersen, JSNN, Pv Loock, A Furusawa, Nat. Phys. 11, 713 (2015)
reviews: JSNN et al., Prog. Inf. 8, 5 (2011)
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Mostly Gaussian:
Only photon detection is non-Gaussian
Model everything with covariance matrices and displacement vectors,
finalize with integration over detector's Wigner function
optical pulse
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m = 1
m = 2
m = 3
with 1 thermal phonon
with 5% optical loss
10 dB squeezing
80% detector eff.
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C-W. Lee, H. Jeong,
PRL 106, 220401 (2011)
quantify magnitude and frequency of interference fringes
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effect of phase and amplitude noise in the displacement beam
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mechanical period:
rethermalization time scale:
decoherence time scale:
10 µs
~10 ms (for 100 mK environment)
~100 µs (for a cat state of size α = 4)
- so just about possible to prepare and read out state within one mechanical cycle
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it should be possible to bring a mechanical oscillator into a cat state.
UB Hoff et al., arXiv:1601.01663
related work:
F. Khalili et al., PRL 105, 070403 (2010)
P. Sekatski et al., PRL 112, 080502 (2014)
R. Ghobadi et al., PRL 112, 080503 (2014)
J. Bennett et al., arXiv 1510.05368
A. Rakhubovsky et al., arXiv 1511.08611
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manuscript: arXiv:1601.01663
By Jonas Neergaard-Nielsen
CEWQO 2016, Kolymbari