Optical sensing and squeezed light

Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen

What is modulated?






What can be measured?








squeeze this!

Detect tiny phase shifts (length changes)

interferometric measurement

- can also be in fibre

The phase space diagram

There will be noise...

phase noise reduces sensitivity

There will be noise...

amplitude noise doesn't affect phase sensing much...

There will be noise...

...but usually there's both

We want extreme sensitivity...

so, let's work hard to reduce all our noise sources

We want extreme sensitivity...

Heisenberg: "No can't do!"

Δx Δp ≥ ħ/2

We want extreme sensitivity...

we're limited by quantum noise!

Δx Δp ≥ ħ/2

Getting beyond quantum noise

Getting beyond quantum noise

#1 option: simply increase the power

Getting beyond quantum noise

but what if, for some reason, we can't do that?

Δx Δp ≥ ħ/2

Redistribute the noise!

only the noise product is lower bounded

Δx Δp ≥ ħ/2

Redistribute the noise!

amplitude noise gets huge - but doesn't matter

Δx Δp ≥ ħ/2

How to squeeze

1986, Wu et al.

How to squeeze


Vibration detection of micro-toroid structure @ DTU Physics

2013, Hoff et al.


Gravitational wave detection @ LIGO

2016, LIGO collaboration

Our squeezers

5 dB fibre-coupled squeezing

Our squeezers

12.4 dB from very compact squeezer

Thank you!

Optical sensing and squeezed light

By Jonas Neergaard-Nielsen

Optical sensing and squeezed light

Intro to squeezed light and its applications to optical phase sensing. Presented on 21 September 2017 at the High Tech Summit, Copenhagen 2017.

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