Functional Programming


Joe Buza



  • What is functional programming
  • How can you use it today
  • Why is it important

What is functional programming

 Functional code is characterised by one thing: the absence of side effects. It doesn’t rely on data outside the current function, and it doesn’t change data that exists outside the current function  - Mary Rose Cook

produces abstraction through clever ways of combining functions.


produces abstraction through clever ways of combining functions.​ Marijn Haverbeke​


What are side-effects?

var x = 10, y = 5;
function add(){
   return (x + y);

add() has side effects:

  • modifies x and y
  • x and y variables are out of add's scope
  • add is an impure function. 

when a procedure changes a variable from outside its scope. 

var x = 10, y = 5;
function add(){
   log(x + y);
   return x + y;

function log(v){

Impure function

  • Modifies states outside it's scope
  • modifies x and y
  • contains hidden inputs x and y
  • contains hidden output, log
function add(x, y){
    return x + y;

add(10, 5)

Pure function

  •  the return value is only determined by its input values, without observable side effects

Functional programming in Javascript 

  • Javascript provides functions such as Map, Filter and Reduce to help you program functionally
  • Also third party libraries eg. Underscore and Lodash




Create a program that:

  • Returns the names of developers that know a particular programming language
  • Create a poll that shows the number of developers that know each programming language

We have a group of developers with experience with particular programming languages. 

// sample data
var devs = [{
  "name": "Nader",
  "langs": ["JS", "Java", "Clojure", "Haskell"]
}, {
  "name": "Andrew",
  "langs": ["Java", "C", "Objective C", "Swift"]
}, {
  "name": "Charles",
  "langs": ["C", "C#", "Clojure", "JS"]

Imperative approach

// Bad
// Hidden input devs
function getDevs(lang){
 var out = [], dev;
  for(var i = 0; i < devs.length; i++){
    dev = devs[i];
    if(dev.langs.indexOf(lang) !== -1){
  return out;

// Better
// No hidden inputs
// Using Array method forEach
function getDevs(devs, lang){
 var out = [];
   if(dev.langs.indexOf(lang) !== -1){
  return out;

Functional Approach

// Best
// Using Array methods: Filter, Some and Map

function getDevs(devs, lang){
  function filter(it){
    return it.langs.some(some);
  function some(it){
      return (it === lang);
  function map(it){
  return devs.filter(filter).map(map);

Retrieve Devs


Imperative approach

// Okay
function getLangPoll(devs){
 var langs = [];
    langs = langs.concat(dev.langs);
 var cs = {};
     cs[lang] = 1;
   } else{
  return cs;

Functional Approach

// Better
// Using Array method reduce

function getLangPoll(devs){
  function concatLangs(prev, curr){
    return prev.concat(curr.langs);
  function reduceLangs(prev, curr){
     prev[curr] = 1;
   } else{
    return prev;
  return devs.reduce(concatLangs,[]).reduce(reduceLangs, {});

Create a Poll


Thinking Functionally!

  • Are my functions dependent on the state of the app or are they independent
  • Are my functions modifying anything outside of themselves
  • Given the same input, will my function return the same output everytime
  • Can I import my functions in another program without making any changes.


  • Parallel computing
  • Encourages decoupling and modular design
  • Makes you think in more abstract ways.
  • Help create cleaner and more elegant code


  • Steep learning curve
  • Support 
  • Makes heavy use of recursion





Functional Programming

By Joe Buza

Functional Programming

Introduction to functonal programming in Javascript

  • 1,243