Intro to HTML
Joel Ross
LIS 549
In this video...
Writing Web Files
Marking up with HTML
HTML Attribute
Edit the index.html file
with VS Code

Open the file with Chrome
What if we want so say how
the content is rendered?
Hyper Text Markup Language
Adds meaning to otherwise plain text

"this is a heading, this is a paragraph, this is a definition, this is a hyperlink..."
for documents that link to one another!
HTML Syntax
Annotate content by surrounding it
with <tags>. The tags and their content are called an HTML Element
open/start tag
close/end tag (leading slash)
ignores whitespace and tag case (use lowercase)
Some Common Elements
: a 1st-level heading -
: a 2nd-level heading (and so on, down to <h6>) -
: a paragraph of text -
: an “anchor”, or a hyperlink -
: an image -
: a button -
: emphasized content (not necessarily italic). The same as _text_ in Markdown. -
: an unordered list (and <ol> is an ordered list) -
: a list item (an item in a list) -
: a data table -
: a form for the user to fill out -
: a division (section) of content. Also acts as an empty block element (followed by a line break) -
: a span (section) of content. Also acts as an empty inline element (not followed by a line break)
And more at
HTML Attributes
Elements can include attributes in the start tag, which specify options or add further meaning.
<tag attributeA="value" attributeB="value">
Attributes are a space-separated list of
names and values, with a = between them.
Values are (almost) always written in quotes
<html lang="en">
<!-- an image -->
<img src="baby_picture.jpg" alt="a cute baby">
<!-- a is an "anchor" (hyperlink) -->
<a href="">iSchool homepage</a>
Example Attributes
"hypertext reference"
alternate text for screen readers
images have no (text) content so no closing tag
language of document is English
Nesting Elements
The content of an element can contain
other HTML elements.
<h1>Hello <em>(with emphasis)</em> world!</h1>
open h1
close h1
open em
close em
What's wrong here?
<p>I <strong>never<strong> make mistakes</p>
important text
did not close tag!
Example: Nested Lists
<!-- An unordered list (ul) with 3 items.
The second item's content contains an
ordered list (ol) containing 2 items. -->
cmd + /
comment a line
comment - not shown
HTML for the Web
<html lang="en">
<h1>Some content...</h1>
A particular structure is needed to make the HTML work as a "web" page (online):
declare language
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<h1>Some content...</h1>
for search engines, etc.
document format
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>My Page Title</title>
<h1>Some content...</h1>
document "head" (metadata, not shown)
title in tab
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>My Page Title</title>
<h1>Some content...</h1>
for non-English chars
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="author" content="your name">
<title>My Page Title</title>
<h1>Some content...</h1>
document body (shown) content
HTML document (web page)
HTML Web Template
By Joel Ross
- 420