
Joel Ross

LIS 549

In this video...

  • Pseudo-class Selectors

  • Styling hyperlinks


A pseudo-class is a selector that applies to an element based on its state or context (how the element is used). Written after a colon : after another selector part:

/* Selects <a> elements that are being hovered over */
a:hover {
  font-size: 200%;

/* Selects the <tr> inside of a <table>, where the <tr>
 * is the last child with that type */
table tr:last-of-type {
  border-bottom: 5px solid black;

/* Selects "even numbered" <li> elements */
li:nth-of-type(2n) {
  background-color: grey;

Avoid using :hover

Modifying appearance based on :hover is not a good idea:

  • It isn't accessible -- a screen reader cannot "hover"
  • It won't work on mobile devices -- you can't "hover" with your finger
  • Changing element appearance (e.g., size) can have cascading impacts on page layout, making it hard to read and interact with

Styling Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks (<a> elements) come with their own default styling; you may need to override this to get the desired appearance.

Hyperlinks also support a few different pseudo-classes:

/* Applies to <a> elements that have NOT been visited */
a:link {  }

/* Applies to <a> elements that HAVE been visited */
a:visited {  }

/* Applies to <a> elemeents that have focus. You can see 
 * focus when you use the `tab` key to navigate a page
 * Relevant to screenreaders */
a:focus {  }

/* Applies to <a> elements that are "activated" 
 * (e.g., clicked by a user) */
a:active {  }

Rule Order

/* Applies to <a> elements no matter the state */
a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:focus, a:active {

Because these selectors will often apply at the same time (and thus override each other), you need to make sure to apply them in LVHFA order (:link, :visited, :hover, :focus, :active).


To make a link always look the same, use a group selector!


By Joel Ross


  • 535