Culturing Live Food

*Not human food

For fish and fish fry


Intend to start breeding fish

.... and love to experiment

Indian Dwarf Puffer - Carinotetraodon travancoricus

Needed to both condition fish for spawning as well as feeding fish fry

Aquatic Cultures

Few micrometers (microns)

Few centimeters

  • Greenwater (single-cell algae) ~1- 15 um
  • Infusoria
  • Rotifers
  • Vinegar eels
  • Moina / daphnia
  • Ostracods / seed shrimp
  • Pond snails / bladder snails
  • Blackworms (up to about 5cm)


Terrestrial cultures

  • Banana worms (~1mm)
  • Walter worms (~1.5mm)
  • Microworms (~2mm)
  • Grindal worms (~1cm)
  • White worms (~2-3 cm)
  • Springtails and white mites (more of an infestation vs culture)

Terrestrial Culture area setup

Banana/Walter/Microworms live in oatmeal medium and are fed with regular bakers yeast

Grindal and white worms live in soil or coconut coir mix, fed either moist oatmeal flakes, nutritional yeast and/or cat food

Terrestrial Culture area setup

Aquatic culture area setup

Vinegar eels


  • Live in apple cider vinegar with a single apple slice
  • This 1 qt jar contains several thousand
  • Self-sustaining for about a year (or so I've read)

Aquatic culture area setup

meant to be semi-stable "Mother cultures", 12hr/day lighting


Greenwater / ostracods / copepods

Ostracods / bladder snails


Jars in the back

Aquatic culture area setup

Moina / blackworm / pond snail production co-cultures, 16/hr day lighting

Aquatic culture area setup

Moina / pond snail production co-culture, 24hr lighting

Floating plants for harvesting as culture foods (16hr/day lighting)

Some more pics/vids

Live fish food culturing

By Joe Meilinger

Live fish food culturing

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