Python: the WHY, what and how


Why Python?

  • GIS support (ESRI's ArcPy, QGIS, etc)
  • General-purpose
  • Great glue language
  • Easy to learn
  • Tons of great libraries
  • Strong community
  • Open Source
  • Roots in education (STEM'y)


  • Dynamically-typed
  • Interpreted (CPython)
  • Reference counted (CPython) vs garbage collected
  • Some history


  • IDE support not so great (Eclipse plugin, PyCharm and that's about it)
  • BUT, you don't need an IDE
  • Virtualenv (virtual python environments, allows for side-by-side standalone interpreters/sets of libraries)
  • Nose (unit test runner)
  • IPython notebooks (best REPL yet)
  • Quite a few interpreters, CPython, PyPy, JPython (JVM), Iron Python (.NET)
  • Comes with ALL distributions of Linux

Intro to Python

By Joe Meilinger

Intro to Python

  • 244