We are a team

Let's work together

Nothing here is set-in-stone

Just a starting point

Everyone has value, EVERYONE


- Created by Team R3

Don't reinvent the wheel

  • Open-source >> COTS/GOTS
    • If we're looking to modify a library for our needs, then look for MIT/LGPL/BSD or other non-copyleft licenses
  • Use dev style guides from industry-leaders
    • http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
    • https://github.com/airbnb/javascript
    • https://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/javaguide.html
    • https://github.com/styleguide/css
  • Trying switching mindset from "I can build this" to "Someone has already built this, I should use it"

General Mantas

  • Self-improvement/constant learning is key
  • Minimum-viable product
    • Extraneous features == bad
    • Focus on core-value of what you're creating
  • User interfaces/experience is key to adoption
  • Programmatic interfaces should be as clean/easy-to-understand as user interfaces
  • API-first
  • Continuous Integration is a must
  • Pair whenever necessary
  • Code reviews!
  • Ask questions!
    • No reason to spin trying to always find your own answers

Other key items

  • http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
  • http://semver.org/


  • Need closer relationship with OCIO and ISPs
    • Bi-directional education needed/shared on lengthy SWAP/Whitelist process
    • Be in-tune with patching schedules, and hopefully patch details (possible side-effects)
  • Shoot for cloud environment for R3 ops
    • Single application per VM
  • Eventual (hopefully) move to using DevOps tools (Chef/Puppet) as the norm for deployment
  • Investigate use of NOW environment


By Joe Meilinger


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