Admin Getting Started Guide

There Are 2 Different User Roles To Be Aware Of In Conferences i/o...

The Admin


  • Creates & Edits Sessions
  • Sets Up Presenters
  • Creates Evaluation Questions
  • Sets Passwords
  • Changes Branding (colors and logos)

The Admin

Tasks performed by The Admin are primarily completed prior to the event. Admins typically do not perform real-time tasks during an event. Admin tasks can include:

  • Create Polls
  • Embed Polls into PowerPoint
  • Moderate Q&A
  • Respond to Questions
  • Export data report


Each session on your app has a Moderator role. Moderators manage the features & settings within their session. Moderator tasks can include setup prior to an event as well as real-time management. Moderator tasks can include:

*Having a separate moderator in each session room is ideal but not required. Presenters can easily "self-moderate" their session.

Creating Your Sessions

An Admin's first step is to create the sessions which will appear on your app's home page.

On the next page, a short video will walk you through the process to create sessions.

Create Sessions Video Tutorial

Managing Presenters

Setting Up Session Evaluations

What to do if you have questions or issues along the way...


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Admin Getting Started Guide (Non Attendance Tracking)

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