
the concerns








Stakeholders are those groups that have a vested interest in your product.


Clearly defined stakeholders ensure a project can be catered for those who it is intended.


How do we identify Stakeholders ?


Communication is the cornerstone of requirements gathering.


It involves reaching out to stakeholders to discuss their perspective on the exploration of options.


This stage encompasses refactoring ideas that have been collected so far.

Mapping these to use-cases and functionality.


Agile approaches favour prioritising the smallest set of requirements that can be incorporated into a meaningful iteration. 


the balancing act


meet the client 

The most important point is that all stakeholders need to be involved in the discussion.

This provides diverse thinking that must be explored before any narrowing of requirements takes place. 

agile philosophy

Contrast to traditional method of deciding an immutable contract containing a requirements list.

Frequent discussions with Client, but always consider bringing other stakeholders into the exploration of options.


Traditional UML modelling

  • Time consuming and benefit is often not well seen.
  • a la Rational Rose, etc.


Agile Modelling

  • a la Napkin modelling.


agile methods

Agile is about the continuous  incremental delivery of valuable, often fit-for-purpose software.

In order to manage the complexity of this, several models have been proposed in both the academic and industrial space.

the 7 dimensions

These dimensions direct the analysis of requirements.


Whilst exploring options, the starting point often depends on the goals of the project.

Regardless of which dimension you start with, a holistic view of the direction of the product is necessary.


lessons for next time

UML is powerful, but it is often unnecessary to document everything in this way.


This is very time consuming.


By Jonathon Hope


A short presentation on Requirements Analysis throughout project involvement.

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