An  OSLC-based approach

to empower Continuous Engineering through

knowledge-centric cross-cutting services.

Jose María Alvarez, Anabel Fraga, 
José Fuentes and Juan Llorens

3rd European Conference on Interoperability for Embedded Systems Development Environments

Paris, France-9th of October, 2014


Systems Engineering

"A service to organize and manage knowledge."

Naming Service

"A service to standardize names across the different stages and processes of the lifecycle"

  • Expose terms, relationships, etc. as a SKOS-based vocabulary via OSLC.
  • Adapter on top of the knowledgeMANAGER (TRC)

Quality Checker

Now focusing on requirements quality metrics...

"A service to calculate quality metrics of any kind of resource."

  • Use of the RDF Data Cube Vocabulary through OSLC.
  • Adapter on top of the RQA (TRC).

Semantic Indexing and Retrieval System

"A service to index and retrieve any kind of content using a natural language interface."

Traceability and

Link discovery

"A service to discover and link requirements to other artifacts"

Based on the semantic indexing process and entity reconciliation techniques.

Organize knowledge through breakdown structures

"Represent and compute Product/Functional/Work/etc. breakdown structures"

Complex networks and social environment

"From quantitative graph metrics (+50) to quality measures."

R+Python: igraph+SVM

"Analysis of collaborative development environments."

Information fusion techniques: Multimodal & Multilayer
Eg. Github
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Poster Paris OSLC 2014

By Jose María Alvarez

Poster Paris OSLC 2014

3rd European Conference on Interoperability for Embedded Systems Development Environments

  • 1,481