Assessing professional skills in a multi-scale environment
by means of
graph-based algorithms
Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Ricardo Colomo-Palacios
The First European Network Intelligence Conference,
September 29-30, 2014 - Wroclaw (Poland)
The Problem...
Can someone endorse both "Sales" and "Java"?
Why/When the skill is endorsed?
Can we trust in such skills?
How skills are spread?
Can we align skills to an existing
expertise scale or ranking?
What is the meaning of "30" in "Semantic Web"?
...multiple expertise scales...
“Professional Development Ladder”, by Contrux Software, 4-scale classification of expertise
The Individual Competency Index (ICI)
A 5-scale competency index. other words...
Skill explosion
- Endorsements of multiple skills
- ...from different profiles to others
- ...triggered by:
- Professional/Personal relationships
- Professional/Personal interests
- Professional/Personal education
User's activity in the social network
- The most active user is the most endorsements she receives...
- ...
How to...
Establish a reliable quantitative value for every endorsed skill...
Align quantified skills to an existing scale?
Which scale should be selected? 4 or 5 level?
Potential Impact
Expertise ranking and retrieval
Human Resources management
knowledge capitalization
Currently on the web...
A lot of related work...
- Authoritative Sources in a Hyperlinked Environment. The HITS Algorithm. (Kleinberg, 1998)
- Expertise Networks in Online Communities: Structure and Algorithms (B. Dom et al., 2003)
- Graph-based ranking algorithms for e-mail expertise analysis. (B. Dom et al., 2003)
- Expertise Identification using Email Communications. (Campbell et al., 2003)
- Telling Experts from Spammers: Expertise Ranking in Folksonomies (The SPEAR algorithm). (Noll et al., 2009)
- On the assessment of expertise profiles. (Berendsen et al., 2013)
- ...
Widely studied and well-known techniques
- Graph-based
Focus on expertise retrieval
- Moving from document to expertise retrieval
- Based on collaborative tagging
- ...
- Few studies of existing professional social networks
- No alignment to existing professional skills
- Lack of attention to user's activity
- Quantitative and qualitative mappings are not completely covered
- ...
Main Contributions...
Application of existing graph-based techniques to rank skills
The HITS and SPEAR algorithms
Adaptation of the SPEAR algorithm to professional social networks
The Skillrank technique
Study of user's activity and interactions
Mapping to existing professional scales
4/5 scale under study to avoid central tendency
Case study of a restricted dataset generated from the Linkedin API
The HITS algorithm
"-A good hub increases the authority weight of the pages it points.
-A good authority increases the hub weight of the pages that point to it."
The SPEAR Algorithm
- Mutual reinforcement of user expertise and document quality (collaborative tagging)
- Discoverers vs. followers
The Skillrank technique
An interpretation of
the SPEAR algorithm...
tagging users
instead of documents
A social network as a
community C...
...but a community is also the union of several sub-communities
2 Contexts: Local (MyLinkedin) vs Global (Linkedin).
...and user's activity
(local context)
Correlated-endorsements to the same user in a sub-community.
Local Context (II)
Correlated-endorsements to different user in a sub-community
Independent endorsements to the same user in a sub-community.
Global Context
Correlated-endorsements to different user in a community
Independent endorsements to different user in a community
The Skillrank technique
Re-interpreting the SPEAR algorithm
- The vector of expertise and quality scores
...naming change?
- Two-step process
- From a local expertise assessment to a global one
"0 represents that a user (Um) has not yet endorsed using a skill (Sk) while another value such 2 in cell represents that an user endorsed an skill before another user."
Case Study
A Professional Social Network
Research Design
Select techniques to make a comparison of the precision
The HITS, SPEAR and Skillrank techniques
Select and prepare dataset.
10 users (average of 50 connections) and 5 skills
Create a dataset for unit testing purposes
Panel of experts has established the different levels in both scales (4 and 5)
Inclusion of the frequency as a basic technique for each user and skill
Run the techniques for every dataset and technique
Calculate the percentiles (quartiles and quintiles) for every user, skill and technique to align to scales.
Extract precision and compare
Request to Linkedin,first-name,last-name,formatted-name,
My network (+450 connections) was asked to execute this command and save the XML output (20).
Skills selection
Technical and business ones
ICI Index
Professional Development Ladder
Frequency as
basic measure
Number of endorsements that have received an user in a certain skill
Number of maximum endorsements that can receive that user in that skill
% of correct classified skill for every
skill and technique
Graphical view of the % of correct classified skills per technique and type of scale
Research Limitations
The Linkedin API restricts the visibility of some relevant fields if you are not 1st degree connection.
The dataset is restricted to a very few number of skills and users.
The mapping to the professional scales should be done by a wider panel of experts.
The average is not the most adequate aggregation operator.
A full test campaign should be executed to ensure the parameters of the different techniques.
Several techniques for expertise ranking are available but a mapping to professional scales is still under study
The HITS and SPEAR algorithms are good enough for most of cases
Frequency is not an accurate technique
The Skillrank technique is a very promising process but needs more testing and refinement
- Existing social networks provide us an unique opportunity
The 4-scale avoids the central trend.
- ...
Future Work
Refinement of the Skillrank technique
Overcome the research limitations
Creation of larger datasets for training and test purposes
Test campaign
Comparison of skills in different professional social networks
Xing, Quora, Stackoverflow, etc.
Make the source code and datasets publicly available under the principles of OpenScience
Q & A
- Dr. Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez
- Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain
- E-mail:
- WWW:
- Prof. Dr. Ricardo Colomo-Palacios
Faculty of Computer Science, Østfold University College, Halden, NORWAY
- E-mail:
- WWW:
Assesing professional skills in a multi-scale environment by means of graph-based algorithms
By Jose María Alvarez
Assesing professional skills in a multi-scale environment by means of graph-based algorithms
- 2,566