Protocol & Language
Model United Nations
There are four motions that are used in the Model United Nations
Motion of procedure
Used to open, expand or close a meeting, is the most used in the model and can be performed at the request of any delegate. Usually guide based on recommendations from the table in turn.
It is lifted the placard to indicate that any delegate erred in using protocol such as call to remain calm or to request the issue is resolved soon.
Motion parliamentary inquiry
Is motion is a wildcard for the table in turn to solve our doubts about the protocol on the development of the theme or direction in general.
Motion of personal priviledege
To bring to the table the delegate needs. These needs can be take off his jacket, holding or use an object or go to the bathroom.
Identification of a delegation to participate in a session. It is an opaline sheet named ahead and flag of the country represented and back usually contains motions that are used in session.
Post-it paper type used to establish a private conversation between two people during a session. Before delivering, they pass through table in turn for approval.
- Affirming
- Declining
- Considering
- Retaking
- Convinced
- Declaring
- Desiring
- Observing
- regretting
- Taking into account
- Recognizing
- Have at least 15 delegates physically present at the meeting
- That each of the delegates have its allusive identification placard representing the country
- That a person fulfills the role of moderator or table
- That a person take the role of pageboy
- Have established at least two weeks before the / topics to be discussed during the session
- Divide the topics by committee
- Set how long the session will last
- Leave space for the presentation of solutions
- Submit resolution paper signed by three-fourths of the delegates
- Present the resolution paper orally
To conduct an effective model is needed the following
Simulations session lasts approximately 40 minutes enough time to discuss one topic in general aspects. Inside the session, each delegate shows the actual position of the country represented by listening to and analyzing the other delegates to try to find the root of the problem and reach an agreement that benefits all.
what cannot be done in session
a) Talking in the third person
b) Interrupt the table
c) Maintain a direct conversation with another delegate
d) Enter and leave the site with no prior authorization
e) Use words that harm another delegate
f) Loss diplomacy
g) Making phone calls
h) Being constantly on social networks
Opening the session
To start the debate / or dialogue on the topic chosen will use the procedural motion that helps us in case you want to open, extend or logout. The table in turn suggests that the opening of session and a delegate vote raises his placard to start it.
closing the session
Once you meet the 40 minutes that were established to conduct the session moderated the table gives notice and suggested that the meeting be closed. This delegate must raise his placard and establish a new procedural motion.
extending the session
Sometimes the debate has been so profound that it is not enough time to reach an agreement that everyone benefits and / or satisfied. For this reason the "extended session" is a tool used constantly to conclude topical solutions. Although it is fully available to the table, delegates can make that request by a procedural motion.
position paper
In General Assembly committees you must show a document defining the official position of the country they represent on the topic to be discussed during the session. The document must contain the following requirements:
- Name of the delegation
- Flag of the delegation
- Committee to which you belong
The official position is presented before starting the debate and we must pre-register on the same list of speakers that will be read by the table in order of registration. To make the position each delegation will have 2 ½ minutes.
- The name / topics
- Definition of the position of one page in length
- One or two proposed solutions previous to the debate
Protocol & Language
By Jose Pablo Salazar Hernandez
Protocol & Language
- 862