Pan-African #ddj

Jacopo Ottaviani - @JacopoOttaviani

ICFJ-Knight Fellow – data editor @Code4Africa


What's a cross-border data journalism project?

It's a journalism project built by an international team of journalists, designers and developers around a shared dataset


More on Columbia Journalism Review



  • Cross-border journalism team
    • 2 or 3 (or more) friends from other African countries
  • Media coalition
    • Media from multiple countries
  • Common interests + common passion
    • Water, health, development issues... issues that hit a number of countries (not just yours!)

More ingredients

  • Tech and data support
    • Maps, dataviz, packaging, crowdsourcing? Make them with me and Code4Africa
  • Coordination
    • Connect journalists, media, designers and developers
  • Virtual office
    • Slack!


  • Publish series of stories (yours + your colleagues')
  • Reach wider audiences
  • Make data visualisations
  • Share a #hashtag (run a campaign around a topic)
  • Trigger pan-African debate around topics of interest

It's an efficient and fun way to:

Do you like the idea?

Get to know other pan-African data journalists and pitch projects:

Get in touch and join the pan-African #ddj network:



Pan-African #ddj

By jottaviani

Pan-African #ddj

  • 688