First Steering Committee Meeting

Twinning project BY-18

Mr. Jesús R. Ortega

28 May, 2019

Mrs. Maryna Litreyeva


  • Mr. Andrei Filipenka, BC Project Leader
  • Mrs. Elena Rakova, EUD Project Manager
  • Mr. Ignacio García, MS Project Leader
  • Mr. Haico van der Vegt, MS Junior Project Leader
  • Mrs. Maryna Litreyeva, BC RTA
  • Mrs. Katya Lukyanova, Head Legal Dept. of SPC
  • Mr. Alexander Koran, BC Component 1 Leader
  • Mr. Pavel Prazdou, BC Component 3 Leader
  • Mr. Pablo Rodenas, FIIAPP Project Manager
  • Mr. Boris Zhukov, MS RTA Interpreter
  • Mr. Jesús R. Ortega, MS RTA

First working plan

 Communication plan

First working plan

  • RTA arrival to Minsk
  • Registration of the RTA in Belarus
  • Registration of twinning project
  • Selection of Interpreter and RTA Assistant
  • Setting up of the project office

Section I. Budget heading. RTA and related expenses

Project website

Project extranet


First working plan

  • Elaboration of the first rolling working plan

  • Elaboration of the Communication and visibility plan

  • Revision working plan mission

  • First Steering committee

  • Organization of the opening event

    • Communication activities associated with the opening event

    • Engaging a communication expert

    • Design and elaboration of the visibility material for the beginning of the project and especially for the opening event. (i.e. banners, flyers, notebooks, etc…)

Section II. Budget heading. Horizontal costs

First WP review

8th, 9th April, 2019


Mission calendar


Project registration

Scheduled missions

Inspire workshop

28th & 29th August, 2019  

C1-A1.1.1 Mission 1


Stakeholders group

30th August, 2019 | C1. A1.1.2 Mission 1


  • Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Taxation, Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, Ministry of Architecture and Construction, District and Local Stakeholders (horizontal inter-ministerial approach);
  • Land Development and Land Use Organisations;
  • Topographic, Geodesic and Cartographic Organisations;
  • Appraisal Organisations;
  • Real Estate companies;
  • Universities, Education and Training Establishments;
  • Companies of all size (large as well as SME);
  • Civil Society (e.g. NGO “Land Reform”);


Study visit

2nd- 6th September, 2019 | C1-A1.1.1 M 2


Metadata portal

8th-12th July, 2019 | 26th-30th August, 2019

C1. A1.2.2 Mission 1&2


Definition of the necessary requirements for the creation of a metadata portal by the NCA.

  • Understanding of international metadata standards is needed to build such a portal.
  • The requirements documents define the different profiles and technical standards and challenges. 

Metadata portal BP

16th-20th September, 2019 | 23th-27th September 

C1. A1.2.3 Mission 1&2


Definition of a business plan for the development and implementation of the metadata portal by the NCA

  • The business plan of the metadata portal describes the different steps to agree on, e.g. who is the owner of the portal and is overall responsible, which organisation is responsible for the maintenance and its future development, how to organize future user requirements, at what interval the metadata is kept up-to-date, what kind of dataset,

IT e-services diagnosis

1st-5th September, 2019 

C3. A3.1.1 Mission 1


The objective of this mission is to carry out a diagnosis of the current situation of the NCA in the field of data spatial e-services.

Opening event?




Steering Committee Meeting #2












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