Possibilities in Library Digital Initiatives:
Digital Open Access Publishing
by Libraries
with Library Support
Julie D. Shedd
- Journals are expensive
- We're basically buying our own work (bundled with work no one wants or needs)
- Access to good research is restricted to those who can afford it
- Librarianship champions free and equal access to information
Many libraries say: NO MORE
- April 2012 Harvard memo: We can't afford journal subscriptions; faculty, please publish in open access journals
- Increasing support for self-publishing platforms, publishing support and advice, etc.
- Increasing push for institutional repositories
Image from https://flic.kr/p/5spkti
Researcher / Author Information, Support & Advice
Provide expertise and help to authors seeking to make their work open access - lists of good journals and publishers, copyright and licensing information, data management tools, and more
Image from https://flic.kr/p/aWNwU2
Researcher / Author Information, Support & Advice
- What level of service will you offer other than what you already offer?
- Are there services that you don't currently offer that faculty want/need?
- If you're adding services, will you hire new staff, or expand current staff's responsibilities?
- How will you ensure that faculty knows you're offering help?
Image from https://flic.kr/p/aWNwU2
Researcher / Author Information, Support & Advice
Possible Information & Services
- Information about copyright, including authors' rights, fair use, new licensing models like Creative Commons, and open access
- Information about managing research and personal data
- Tools and services for preserving and presenting research data
- Information about finding funding
- Grant-writing review and advice services
- Institutional repositories
- Information about impact measures
- Impact/metrics reporting services
Image from https://flic.kr/p/aWNwU2
Researcher / Author Information, Support & Advice
- Most libraries are already doing much of this work
- May not need to hire more staff or do much training of existing staff
- Depending on services and tools offered, may not cost much more
- Good entry point
- Staff without a legal background might not want to be seen as an "expert" in copyright and licensing
- Will need to do additional outreach to faculty so that they know services are available
- Some tools may have associated costs
Image from https://flic.kr/p/aWNwU2
Researcher / Author Information, Support & Advice
University of Minnesota Libraries
University of Washington Libraries
Duke University Libraries
North Carolina State University Libraries
- Temple University Libraries
Image from https://flic.kr/p/aWNwU2
Open Access Publishing Fund
Create a fund to reimburse faculty for article processing or membership fees associated with making their articles open-access
Image from https://flic.kr/p/2bamo
Open Access Publishing Fund
(http://www.sparc.arl.org/initiatives/funds for more information)
- Do faculty know what open access is? Will you work to educate them?
- Do they want to publish open access articles?
- Is the associated cost a barrier for them?
- Where will the money come from?
- Can you make the fund sustainable?
- Can you partner with other campus units? (ORED, departments, etc.)
- What is your goal? ("Encourage open access publishing," "Support new forms of publishing," "Support and encourage collaboration within the University," etc.)
- What types of journals will you support? (Full open access only, "hybrid"/"open choice" journals, etc.)
- What types of content will you support? (Articles, monographs, data sets, audiovisual, etc.)
- Who can receive money? (Faculty, post-doc, students?) What if they already have grant funding? Do collaborators from elsewhere get money?
Image from https://flic.kr/p/2bamo
Open Access Publishing Fund
- Staffing commitment may not be burdensome
- Processing applications doesn't take long
- Reimbursement can greatly help new faculty, adjuncts, graduate and undergraduate students
- Shows a concrete commitment to supporting research
Image from https://flic.kr/p/5spkti
Open Access Publishing Fund
- You have to find money (and keep it coming)
- Amounts disbursed may be large
- Disbursement gets tricky with multiple authors, collaborations with non-affiliates, authors with grants, etc.
- Supporting "hybrid"/"open choice" journals may not truly support the open access movement, as they can "double-charge" both authors and readers
- Possible tax consequences for some authors; questions about whether reimbursement is a "fringe benefit" (and thus excludible from income) or not (and thus taxable as scholarship payments)
Image from https://flic.kr/p/5spkti
Open Access Publishing Fund
University of Pittsburgh Libraries
Florida International University Libraries
Colorado State University
Columbia University Libraries
- Concordia University Libraries
Image from https://flic.kr/p/5spkti
Open Access Digital Journal Publishing Platform & Support
Provide a platform for faculty to create and publish their own open-access, digital-first journals. Offer server space, software, technical support, and help with copyright and licensing issues.
Image from https://flic.kr/p/4YVJXw
Open Access Digital Journal Publishing Platform & Support
Image from https://flic.kr/p/4YVJXw
- How much will you do?
- Do you have the technology?
- Who will staff it?
- How will you pay for it?
- Will you have help with business issues?
- What formats will you publish?
- Will you print copies automatically, or prefer print-on-demand?
Open Access Digital Journal Publishing Platform & Support
- Many journal publishing software programs are themselves free and open-source
- Encourage innovation and collaboration among faculty
- No issues with providing resulting journals to library users
- Shows unmistakable commitment to open access publishing and scholarly communication
- Helps standardize and aggregate journals and other publications that were previously scattered
Image from https://flic.kr/p/4YVJXw
Open Access Digital Journal Publishing Platform & Support
- Need money for hardware and software
- Need knowledgeable staffing for technical and publication support
- Need lots of planning and a businesslike attitude
- May upset vendors who have legitimately tried to be helpful
- May inadvertently contribute to a growing problem: research that really doesn't need to be published
Image from https://flic.kr/p/4YVJXw
Open Access Digital Journal Publishing Platform & Support
Popular Publishing Platforms
Digital Commons (BEPress)
Open Journal Systems
Image from https://flic.kr/p/4YVJXw
Open Access Digital Journal Publishing Platform & Support
Library Publisher Examples
- Boston College Libraries (http://www.bc.edu/libraries/collections/eScholarshipHome/Journals.html) – 11 journals, OJS
- York University Libraries (http://pi.library.yorku.ca/ojs/index.php/ydj) – 39 journals, OJS
- University of Pittsburgh Library System (http://www.library.pitt.edu/e-journals) - +35 journals, OJS
- University of South Florida (http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/journals.html) – 14 journals, Digital Commons
- Pacific University Libraries (http://commons.pacificu.edu/peer_review_list.html) – 7 journals, Digital Commons
- Kresge Law Library, Notre Dame (http://scholarship.law.nd.edu/journals_list/) – 6 journals, Digital Commons
- MSU Libraries (http://epubs.library.msstate.edu/index.php/MSLib/index) - 1 journal, OJS
Image from https://flic.kr/p/4YVJXw
Open Access Digital Journal Publishing Platform & Support
Helpful Resources
Library Publishing Coalition
The Lib Pub (blog on library publishing)
SPARC initiatives:
- Campus-Based Publishing
- Digital Repositories
- Campus-Based Publishing
Image from https://flic.kr/p/4YVJXw
Assorted References
"The Harvard Memo"
"Harvard University says it can't afford journal publishers' prices," The Guardian, 24 April 2012
"Research Librarians discuss new ways to support scholars," Library Journal, 11 March 2013
"Publishing services a major growth area for academic libraries, suggests new research report," SPARC, 1 November 2011
- "Libraries as journal publishers," Serials Review, 2011
Thank you!
Possibilities in Library Digital Initiatives: Digital Open Access Publishing by Libraries or With Library Support
By Julie Shedd
Possibilities in Library Digital Initiatives: Digital Open Access Publishing by Libraries or With Library Support
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