Getting to Know


Institutional Repository

Julie D. Shedd

Digital Initiatives Librarian, Mississippi State University


What is an IR?

What will our IR be like?

What can I deposit?

How do I submit?

Who should I contact with questions?

What is an institutional repository?

Image by Megan Bean -

A central digital archive

for collecting, organizing, preserving, and disseminating

organizational history, intellectual and scholarly creations and research data

from an institution

A central digital archive

for collecting, organizing, preserving, and disseminating

organizational history, intellectual and scholarly creations and research data

from an institution

One repository for all the scholarly output and history of the University, located at the University’s core

A central digital archive

for collecting, organizing, preserving, and disseminating

organizational history, intellectual and scholarly creations and research data

from an institution

Online, web-based, and search-engine-indexed; perfect for archiving born-digital materials

A central digital archive

for collecting, organizing, preserving, and disseminating

organizational history, intellectual and scholarly creations and research data

from an institution

A place to share the results of your work and the research that led up to it, and to keep it available in perpetuity

A central digital archive

for collecting, organizing, preserving, and disseminating

organizational history, intellectual and scholarly creations and research data

from an institution

We actively seek materials from the University community, including items that the leap to born-digital previously made difficult to collect

A central digital archive

for collecting, organizing, preserving, and disseminating

organizational history, intellectual and scholarly creations and research data

from an institution

A simple content structure and descriptive metadata makes it easy to find materials

A central digital archive

for collecting, organizing, preserving, and disseminating

organizational history, intellectual and scholarly creations and research data

from an institution

The IR keeps research products and data safe and usable to future researchers

A central digital archive

for collecting, organizing, preserving, and disseminating

organizational history, intellectual and scholarly creations and research data

from an institution

Materials housed in an IR can be made openly and freely available to anyone with Internet access

A central digital archive

for collecting, organizing, preserving, and disseminating

organizational history, intellectual and scholarly creations and research data

from an institution

The IR houses faculty publications, conference posters, organizational records, datasets, images, video, and more

A central digital archive

for collecting, organizing, preserving, and disseminating

organizational history, intellectual and scholarly creations and research data

from an institution

In this case - Mississippi State University!

  • Conserves and preserves MSU's history
  • Openly disseminates research and data
  • Showcases MSU's research output and accomplishments
  • Enhances MSU's visibility and reputation
  • Supports classroom teaching
  • Helps recruit the best faculty and students
  • Encourages serendipitous discovery and collaboration
  • Fuels multidisciplinary awareness

MSU's Institutional Repository

  • Powered by DSpace (, a free, open source repository application used by over 1000 organizations worldwide
  • Captures, stores, indexes, distributes, and preserves material in any digital format
  • Handles text, images, video, and data sets in any open, non-proprietary format (others are available)
  • Contents are accessible through Google and other search engines


To read and download items -

  • No additional steps needed!

To set up or edit your profile, set up email alerts, and submit -

  • Log in with your NetID and NetPassword

What can I submit?

Image by Megan Bean -

Work you produce

as a student or employee

of Mississippi State University

to which you own the rights

Journal articles, pre- and post-print

Open-access books and book chapters

Conference proceedings

Research reports

Working papers

Technical reports

Data sets (post-scrubbing)

College and departmental newsletters

Faculty Senate documents

University committee minutes and reports

Course catalogs

Graduate bulletins

Student handbooks

Student research

Event photos and programs

Musical and theatrical performances

Posters and presentation slides

And more!

Your Files

Supported formats

Public and open formats that can be used in the future through migration or emulation.

.pdf, .zip, .html, .jpg, .rtf, .xml, .latex


Known Formats

Not public and open, but so widely used that they will almost certainly be used in future.

.psd, .ppt, .doc, .mov


Unsupported Formats

File types that we cannot commit to converting to a usable form in the future.

.wps, .sxc, .exe*

Recommended file size: 2gb per file

How do I submit?

Image by Megan Bean -

For single items:

  1. Log in to register your account
  2. Click "Submissions"
  3. Click "Start a New Submission"
  4. Select the "New Submissions" collection
  5. Describe your item
  6. Upload your files
  7. Agree to our license
  8. Save submission and return later, or submit immediately

Possible Submission Issues

  • Bulk uploads
  • Large files
  • Unsupported file format


Contact me!

Terms Of Use

  • You retain all rights to your work
    • You must own the rights in the first place
  • You grant us the right to distribute it (via the IR) and to modify the filetype (if necessary to preserve the item)

That's it!

Who can I contact with questions?

Image by Raeley Stevens -

For technical questions

or submission issues:

Julie D. Shedd, Digital Initiatives Librarian

Institutional Repository Committee


To collect, preserve, and share Mississippi State University’s organizational and intellectual history in an online open repository and to facilitate and encourage open and fair access to the University’s scholarly research and data accomplishments

Thank you!

Mississippi State University formally reiterates and reaffirms its commitment to the principles of equal opportunity, affirmative action and diversity. Discrimination based upon race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or veteran's status is a violation of federal and state law and MSU policy and will not be tolerated. Discrimination based upon sexual orientation or group affiliation is a violation of MSU policy and will not be tolerated. This nondiscrimination policy applies to all programs administered by the University. However, this policy should not be construed to infringe upon the free exchange of ideas essential to the academic environment.

Getting to Know Your Institutional Repository

By Julie Shedd

Getting to Know Your Institutional Repository

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