Homomorphic Encryption

Outsourcing Computing for Life Sciences

Before :

The Problem

  • Queries can be only be performed on plain text
  • Analysis, indexing, operations 
  • Models need to read the raw data to process it
  • A lot of computation is need it to decry data on the fly, search is a complex problem 

The Solution

Fully Homographic Encryption Using Ideal Lattices

Use Cases

  • Extracting value from private data
  • data set intersection
  • gnocmics analitycs 
  • oblivious queries
  • secure computing outsourcing
  • health care / finances records mining 


  • Ability to perform aromatic operations on encrypted data
  • No need to decrypt
  • Query a database that is encrypted


Deep Dive into Homomorphic Encryption - THR3001 - Microsoft Research


High level workflow

An actual architecture

Real world validations 

Real world validations 

Real world validations 

What about images?

Real world validations 

Image Privacy Framework

Image Privacy Framework

A Practical Demo with PHE

Scheme Rationale

Demo & hands-on

  • Using Partially HE (PHE) Paillier Crytosystem (Asymetric) in Python
  • Using HElib C++ IMB Fully HE with BGV Scheme for Queries
  • Using Microsoft SEAL with BFV in C++/Python


  • Private queries on encrypted genomic data, DOI: 10.1186/s12920-017-0276-z
  • IBM 
  • Microsoft Research

Homomorphic Encryption, Outsourcing Computation

By Julio César

Homomorphic Encryption, Outsourcing Computation

Homomorphic encryption can be used to operate directly on encrypted data, and return only the encrypted result to the owner of the data.

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