Partner Led Renewals

Options in UI Analogy
Renew with existing offers Auto (billing options only)
Renew with editing offers Edit saved initial order draft
Renew with new offers Create a new initial order
Options in UI Analogy
Renew with current offer Edit saved initial order draft
New Offer Create a new initial order



Configurator - MSP Configurator - SSC
Init - Prod (CB) / Q4 (e2e team | stg) Init - Prod
Amend - Q4 (e2e team | stg) Amend - Prod
Renew - Q4 (pre-stg) SUP - Q4 (pre-stg)

Multiple offers & partial upgrade not included

MSP - Renewal


Oct 5th

BE mock on pre-stg

Oct 26th

CFE & CSP API ready

Nov 9th

Ready for testing on stg

Dec 16th

Ready for Prod

Oct 21th

BE mock on pre-stg

Oct 26th

CFE & CSP API ready

Nov 9th

Ready for testing on stg

Dec 16th

Ready for Prod

MSP - Init & Amend Q4

Sep 27th

Ready for testing on stg

Dec 16th

Ready for Prod


Sprint Demo Oct 05

By Junhao Zhang

Sprint Demo Oct 05

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