Berburu Bug pada

Mozilla Community Space Jakarta

Firefox Preview

Jakarta, 25 Maret 2019

Open Innovation Team, Mozilla

Mozilla Reps & Mozilla Tech Speaker


Rizki Kelimutu (Kiki)




Berburu Bug?

Truth is..

Beta Testing

Test drive

Flight test

Firefox Preview (fenix) = Firefox for Android


How to test?

Just Use It!

Go wild! Go free! Use the app in all the ways you want without the prerequisites set in the other

steps. Open your local websites, open links from other apps and  share them in social media, etc.

Literally whatever you want.

Do some device and version testing

As this is an android app, things might go wrong on that side too. Try to use the app in the same

time with others and to see how it behaves.

Go over the test cases

Together with the Mobile QA team we prepared some test cases that you can either run as they    

are or you can use them as an inspiration to create more user stories to be tested.

How to file a bug?

1. Reproduce

2. Give all details

Try to reproduce the issue you encounter several times. If you don’t

 have personal data you are afraid to lose, delete the app data from

settings and try again.

Please share in the bug entry all the details you can. Steps on how

to reproduce it, what did you do when you encounter it,

what version of android you are using and what device, etc.

How to download

1. Join the Firefox Preview (Fenix) test group:

2. Opt-in:

3. Download:

Handy Links

Test case =

Bug report =


Selamat berbuka!

Berburu Bug pada Firefox Preview

By kelimutu

Berburu Bug pada Firefox Preview

  • 1,853