Managing Social Capital

GNOME Asia Summit 2019

in Open Source

Gresik, 12 October 2019

Open Innovation Team, Mozilla

Writer and Blogger

Host of Kartini Teknologi podcast

Rizki Kelimutu (Kiki)


  • The most important aspect in open source

Let's get to the business

  • 5 learnings of managing an online


  • What impacts you can get from

contributing to open source

  • Questions and answers

Open up your phone.

Your social media, your news,

your medical records,

your bank: they are all using

free and public code.

Source: Roads and Bridges - The unseen labor behind our digital infrastructure by Ford Foundation

What's the most important

aspect in open source?

A. Code

B. Lisence

C. People

Manage a community is like

Carol Chen - Community Architect at Red Hat

conducting an orchestra.

5 learnings of managing

an online community

Provide a sense of belonging


Safe space to share knowledge,


information, and opportunity.

(help each other to learn)

Recognize their work


Gather in person


host regular meetup

Measure your impact


What impacts you can get

by contributing to open source?

Various skillsets & experiences



Working remotely

Working in a diverse environment

Learn new language

Build skill


and reputation

Being part of something


"Building a better internet"

bigger than yourself

Network with


like-minded people

Getting tangible rewards


Your contribution

cost something

Get credit for

your contribution!

Hammer first

Polish later!

Mulai aja dulu!


Managing social capital in open source

By kelimutu

Managing social capital in open source

When we think about open source, very often, we think about the code. However, what most people forget is that the most important piece in an open-source project is actually the people. People who contributed their skills, their time and made the technology possible. That’s why we have to learn how to manage them well. In this talk, we’ll go through some of the learnings of managing community and how you can win by getting involved in one.

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