what's new in

31 March 2018

Rizki Kelimutu (Kiki)

MozReps | Community Development Team

New addendum

3 | What's new in Mozilla

4| What's new in Mozilla

Rust 1.25

5| What's new in Mozilla

Common Voice

The best of open source rookies 2018 (link)

6 | What's new in Mozilla

Facebook Container

8 | What's new in Mozilla

IRL Podcast

Because Online Life Is Real Life

9 | What's new in Mozilla

Mozilla Challenges

7 | What's new in Mozilla

Extensions Challenge


Best in Games & Entertainment

Best Dynamic Themes

Best Tab Manager / Organizer

10 | What's new in Mozilla

Mozilla Fellow


What's new in Mozilla 2018

By kelimutu

What's new in Mozilla 2018

  • 1,670