The Cloud: 

What’s Different?



How long did it take to get your application running online 10 years ago?

When it was time to deploy your software...

 ...2 sizes fits all!

Pre-cloud Era

Shared Hosting

Pre-cloud Era

On Premise

Pre-Internet Era

  • There was never so much need for computer power:
    • local desktop
    • local networks
  • Programming languages and tools were enough for the tasks.
  • The same happened with databases.
  • Redundancy was something for just a few.

Post-Internet Era

  • Your applications can reach millions (and even billions) of users;
  • For worse (or better): it can happen in a short time
  • You need to be ready to go from dozens => hundreds => thousands => millions.

But at this time...

So it comes the cloud!!!

  • Allows the increase of computing power in a gradually 
  • The amount of resources increase when the demand for them increase too:
    • more traffic = more resources
    • cost increases only when $$$$ increases
    • fine tuning of each component
    • less downtime
    • no resources waste

Post-Cloud Host


  • Different OSs;
  • Root access;
  • Total Freedom!

"With great freedom comes great responsability!!!"


  • Don't care about OS
  • Different languages, applications server, DBs, etc.
  • More automation: scaling, load balancing, provisioning, etc.


    What would you like to eat?


    Anything on the menu!

    Couldn't it be better?

    S3 == Lambda

    Amazon S3

    • No additional space
    • No space left
    • No disk space

    Amazon Lambda

    • No server idle
    • Over provisioning
    • Under provisioning


    Home Food



    AWS Lambda

    CaaF Era

    (Cloud as a Food)

    What's changed?

    • Complex architecture are not so complex
    • A small product can have access to everything
    • Cost is not such a barrier
    • No more waste of resources
    • You are ready to scale
    • If it fails, you don't loose much

    And the list keeps going...

    • Mobile Hub
    • Lex
    • Rekognition
    • Cognito
    • IAM
    • Polly
    • etc.


    Thanks for all the food!!!

    The Cloud: what changes?

    By Kemel Zaidan

    The Cloud: what changes?

    • 1,647