User Group

August  1, 2018

Peter Keum




Part 3 - GIS + Vertical Industry

Future of GIS

  1. WA URISA GIS Conference - May  21 - 24
  2. Mapbox Locate Conference - May 29-30
  3. Vector Tiles & Web Mapping
    • ​​Mapbox & ArcGIS Online- Demo
    • Kepler.gl- Demo

Part 3 - GIS + Vertical Industry

Future of GIS

WA URISA GIS Conference - May  21 - 24

Mapbox Locate

  • Unity SDK + Mapbox = AR Integration
  • Vision SDK: Augmented Reality support navigation
  • Data Visualization (Kepler.gl)
  • Vector Tiles Specification 3

Web Mapping with Vector Tiles using Open Source Tools

Web Mapping with Vector Tiles using Open Source Tools

Free to run it

Free to modify it

Free to share it

Free to share your modification

Why Now?

Commons-based peer production




Using internet to build rich valuable collections of knowledge & product



Homogenous systems and single vendor strategies can be convenient BUT comes with trade-off. Lack of flexibility for fast adoption 


FOSS4G: Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial


Companies are using maps not just as nice features but to drive revenue as core components of their offering. Maps are no longer just a good way to visualize content, they are core to competitive advantage.

Companies are thinking more creatively about how to combine location with outside content and internal business data to differentiate products


  • Image format (png, jpg)
  • Styled before loading
  • Specific zoom levels

Map Tiles

Vector Tiles & Web Mapping

Raster Tiles

  • Don't Scale
  • Hard to change
  • Just Pictures, not data

so 2008...


ArcGIS Server

Common Enterprise GIS Workflow

Vector Tiles

Google Protocol Buffers

language-neutral, platform-neutral extensible mechanism for encoding structred data"

Similar to xml except smaller, faster and simpler - "FAT FREE XML"

.pbf  or .mvt (mapbox vector tile)

Vector Tiles

  • Packet of Binary format geographic data
  • Clipped to the boundaries of each tile
  • Format for Easy to Store
  • Format for Distribution at Scale

Vector Tiles

  • Very Compressed data

Vector Tiles can deliver the minimum amount of data your software needs with speed at scale with a low cost (Mapbox Spec v. 2)

Raster vs Vector Tiles

Smart Data!

Easy To Change!

Power of Vector Tiles

Five County Parcels Polygons - Demo 

  • King, Pierce, Snohomish, Island, Kitsap
  • 1.2 million polygons
  • shp 730 MB -> 90 MB vector tiles

Demo 1


Power of Vector Tiles

Building Footprints Demo


WA Building Footprints -  3 million buildings

GeoJson 675 MB --> 86.4 MB 


  • Source: 125 million computer generated building footprints by Microsoft  

Demo 2


Docker Container

Workshop Workflow

 (1) Preparing Data

Geospatial Data Abstraction Library

Command line utilies for data processing and data translation

Convert shape file to GeoJson

(2) Creating Vector Tiles

Command-line Utility tool to convert custom data to vector tiles

GeoJSON --> *.mbtiles

(3) Rendering Vector Tiles

Open Source Vector Tile server with options

(4) Styling Vector Tiles

Free and Open Source visual style editor for designer and developers

  • ​Can Run locally

Commercial visual style editor for designer and developers & so much more...

Things you can do with Vector Tiles


Mapbox + ESRI AGO

Microsoft CA Building Footprint Web Map - Demo locally








Doing is Learning, but...

Doing with mistakes?

It's still learning!

Vector Tiles are Great!



KC GIS User Group Presentation - Aug 2018

By Peter Keum

KC GIS User Group Presentation - Aug 2018

Presentation for KC GIS User group meeting, August, 2018. Talk about Locate & WA URISA conference & Vector Tiles and various example projects.

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