A Better End-2-End Testing

Kevin C Chen, Vince Chan @ 2017 Dec Hack Day

Generates Dev&QA Happiness

Makes testing an enjoyable exp


  • Complex Deployment & Setup
  • Flaky Vs. Robustness
  • Length of test run
  • Cost of upkeeping / tuning with sleep(), wait()

image source: https://cdn.edureka.co/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Selenium-blog-1.gif


What We've Learnt

  • Real time reloads  & Develop Experience++
  • Not flaky
  • Time Travel Debugging
  • CI Integration / Dashboard with snapshot & video
  • No Selenium, no driver bindings, just JavaScript runs in runs in the same run-loop as the application


  • Fast, easy and reliable end-to-end testing

    • Tranditional server rendered UI

    • Modern React UI

    • REST API

  • For developers and QA engineers
  • Evolving technology

Project Better E2E Testing Workflow for Hack Day Event

By Kevin C.

Project Better E2E Testing Workflow for Hack Day Event

This is the sharing for our Hack Day project @ 2017 Dec that experimented with the automated UI testing framework.

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