Project "Hello-DS"

Power of Cognitive with Artificial Intelligence and More...

Jason Liu, Kevin C Chen, Ted Zhou 
2016 Dec Hack Day

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Challenges & Changes

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cognitive Computing
  • New Form of Interaction
  • A Smart and natural experience 






Project Hello-DS

  • Enhanced product interaction experience & Improve accessibility
  • More interaction options would be available with product API
  • Streamline help support


  • Better product / operational experience
  • Leveraging AI requires further training
  • AI is HERE and EASILY accessible
    • How can we leverage this?



Project Hello DS for Hack Day Event

By Kevin C.

Project Hello DS for Hack Day Event

This is the sharing for our Hack Day project @ 2016 Dec. It was about building an AI driven personal assistance that you can have the conversation with to help you interact with the existing product. This involves the integration with Google Cloud Speech Recognition API, IBM Bluemix Conversation service, Text to Speech service, Twilio for making support phone calls, nodejs REST APIs, selenium webdrivers, Chrome driver, DSM product UI/APIs...etc. The goal was to experiment a concept with another form of interaction with the product and find out how we can leverage the power of AI and cognitive computing technologies from the existing market. The 9mins demo demonstrated a fully functional end-to-end solution that we build out in 1 day.

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