My Research Goal 

To map tweets related to trails and gardens to explore proximity to local Duluth Community Gardens.

My Questions...

  • What tweet mapping has been done before?
  • How to I get the tweets?
  • What can I do for free?
  • What, when, & where the heck to search?
  • How should I track my "research" fun to share with you?

What's been done before?

  • Twitter Python & REST API Guides
  • Plethora of Tweets Web Maps

MapD Tweetmap

Tweet Mapper


**Tweeted Trips**

How to I get the tweets?

  • Twitter's REST/Python API (see Notebook references)
  • I'm I get 7 days free

Simple Python Program

The output

  • Has lat/long (now)
  • Easily added to maps in:
    • Google Maps (kml)
    • Esri products
    • Other js APIs (e.g., leaflet)

How should I track my "research" fun to share with you?

  • A blog post...?
  • Notepad++..?
  • My trusty physical notebook..?
  • Jupyter's digital notebook! 

Jupyter Notebooks

  • Stored locally
  • Shareable notebooks (*.ipynb) for multiple python versions
  • Simple to learn markup language

Local Setup

  1. Install jupyter (I used ArcGIS Pro, conda for environment management as alternative to pip)
  2. Linked folders to my Google Drive (or could be github)
  3. Edit system environmental variables to point to correct python env! (I have 2.7 and 3.6)
  4. Start kernel in a local folder

Title Text

  • Bullet One
  • Bullet Two
  • Bullet Three

Twitter Mapping Demo

  • Start my notebook
  • Viewing the csv data
  • Mapping in Esri's ArcGIS Online arcgis API
  • Mapping in Leaflet.js with folium lib


  • Or upload/try hosted notebooks

Sharing Code, Maps, and Data Science Through a Digital Jupyter Notebook

By Kim Sundeen

Sharing Code, Maps, and Data Science Through a Digital Jupyter Notebook

Here's a fun pet project where I walk through the process of downloading specific tweets using theTwitter python api to automate the mapping of downloaded points using ArcGIS Online and a leaflet.js map. I'l discuss using Jupyter python notebook for documenting this process.

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