Kotlin and why should you care about it ?


🇹🇭 Born and bred in BKK, THAILAND

  🗼 Living in Tokyo for 3.5 years

 Advanced issue found

  📱 Mobile and Open source, Kotlin, Swift C++ 💖




Ok, Kotlin

Statically typed language for JVM, Android, and the browser

Created by Jetbrains back in 2010

Open sourced, hit 1.0 released in Feb 2016 

Seamlessly integrate with IntelliJ platform - also Android Studio

Kotlin ... why?

Inherent Java language restrictions

- Cannot add methods on platform types

- Problem with null

 Advanced issue found

- Mutability is everywhere

- Force to evolve everything around Object

Kotlin - Crash course

Null safety Enum class Immutability
Type Inference Properties & Fields Data class
Lambda Extension Functions High order functions
Type-safe builder Collection APIs Kotlin-Java Interoperable

Null Safety

Null Safety

Enum / Sealed class


Type reference

Properties & Fields

Properties & Fields

Data class


Extension Function

High-order function

Type-safe Builder

Rich Collection API

    val a = (1..10) + (1..10)
    a.all { it > 0 }                            a.subtract(5..10)
    a.any { it % 2 == 0 }                       a.sortedWith { .... } 

    a.average()                                 a.sum()

    a.distinct()                                a.take(3)

    a.dropWhile { it < 5 }                      a.toList()/a.toArrayList()

    a.filterNot { it > 0 }                      a.toSet()/a.toHashSet()

    a.groupBy { if (it < 3) "<3" else ">3" }    a.toCollection(MyAwesomeCollection())
    a.intersect(2..4)                           a.toLinkList()

    a.joinToString("-")                         a.toMap({ if (it % 2 == 0) "even" else "odd" }, 
                                                        { it.toString })

    a.max(), a.min()                            a.map { it to it.toString() }.unzip()

    a.none { it < 1 }                           a.withIndex()

    a.reversed()                                a.union(10..20)

    a.sortedBy { it % 3 == 0 }                  a.zip(10..20) 

Kotlin - Java Interop

Interop is one of the main target of Kotlin lang.

Add a couple lines of gradle/maven, ready to test

Top-notch intellij support


Backend ? - Yes, ktor (https://github.com/Kotlin/ktor)

Frontend ? - Kotlin supports Javascript, see for youself at web-demo

Desktop ? - It is!, take a look at TornadoFx (https://github.com/edvin/tornadofx)


iOS developer? No problem! Multi-platform support!! 

Ok? Where to start?

Start with your test code today!!

IF you don't have test?

Wanna know more?

Join our slack channel #learning-kotlin

Hate chatting? f2f meeting every Friday 4-5 pm

I wanna learn with my pace? Fine, you can try https://play.kotlinlang.org/koans/overview

Q & A

Kotlin And Why should you care about it?

By Kittinun Vantasin

Kotlin And Why should you care about it?

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