Bootiful Containers
with Spring-Boot and Docker
- Run Spring-Boot Apps inside a Docker container
- Make Spring-Boot Apps configurable using Environment Variables
- Build your Spring-Boot Docker image using Gradle
- Deploy the image via docker-compose
- Unit- and Integration-Test your Spring-Boot App with Spock and Docker
- Deploy and configure Spring-Boot microservices using docker-compose
Run Spring-Boot Apps inside a Docker container
- Opinionated view on Spring
- Lots of autoconfigure magic
- Useful features and defaults for microservices and 12-factor apps
- Supports externalized configuration using environment variables
- Easy to use health and metrics endpoints
- Use of embedded Tomcat allows for-self contained application bundle
- Works well inside a container

public class MyBean {
private String name;
// ...
$ export FOO_BAR=mobydock
Externalized Configuration
public class MyBeanProperties {
private String name;
public String getName() { ... }
public void setName(String name) { ... }
Externalized Configuration
Type-safe Configuration Properties
Refactoring "Hello World"
Use Type-safe Configuration Properties
Create a GreeterConfiguration component using the @ConfigurationProperties annotation
- Inject your bean into the greeter
- Run the hello-world application to verify
$ GREETER_NAME=gradle-runner ./gradlew bootrun
$ git clone
- Groovy DSL for build management
- Rich plugin ecosystem
- Allows to use Maven dependencies
- A bit like Maven if Maven was cool ;)

buildscript {
ext {
springBootVersion = '1.5.1.RELEASE'
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.bmuschko:gradle-docker-plugin:3.0.5'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'org.springframework.boot'
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
repositories {
dependencies {
apply plugin: 'com.bmuschko.docker-remote-api'
import com.bmuschko.gradle.docker.tasks.image.Dockerfile
import com.bmuschko.gradle.docker.tasks.image.DockerBuildImage
def dockerBuildDir = 'build/docker/'
def applicationJar = "${archivesBaseName}.jar"
task copyJar(type: Copy) {
dependsOn bootRepackage
from "$libsDir/$applicationJar"
into dockerBuildDir
task createDockerfile(type: Dockerfile) {
dependsOn copyJar
destFile = project.file(dockerBuildDir + "Dockerfile")
from 'openjdk:8-jre'
copyFile(applicationJar, "/")
entryPoint "sh", "-c",
"java \$JAVA_OPTS -jar /$applicationJar"
task buildImage(type: DockerBuildImage) {
dependsOn createDockerfile
inputDir = createDockerfile.destFile.parentFile
tag = 'devops/hello-world'
"Hello World" from a container with externalized configuration
$ docker run \
--rm \
--name "hello-world-test" \
-e "GREETER_NAME=docker-command-line" \
$ ./gradlew buildImage
Build your image
(or via IDE...)
Run a container from your image
- Try using different names!
- What happens if you omit the environment variable?
version: "3"
image: dog.bootcamp/greeter
GREETER_NAME: docker-compose
Deployment with Docker-Compose
Like before:
image is the tag from the build.gradle
Configure application properties via environment variable

Deploy "Hello World" via the docker-compose file
$ docker-compose up
- Add a second "greeter"-service greeting another name
- Run a few times
- Make an observation about the greeting order!
- We can externalize the configuration of spring-boot applications
- We can configure those properties via environment variables
- We can build a container from our app via gradle using a docker-plugin
- We can pass the property values both from docker-cli and docker-compose
- We can not predict any timing behaviour of docker-compose services on startup
Unit- and Integration-Test your Spring-Boot App
with Spock and Docker
class HelloSpockSpec extends spock.lang.Specification {
def "length of Spock's and his friends' names"() {
name.size() == length
name | length
"Spock" | 5
"Kirk" | 4
"Scotty" | 6

class ApplicationTests extends Specification {
def "should boot up"() {
Writing Spock tests
- Extend the BookRepositoryTests by a test that ensures that a book without IBAN can't be stored
- Extend the BookRepositoryTests by a test that ensures that a book with IBAN can be found after it was stored
$ git clone
$ gradlew check
Run the test suite with:
For better visualized results, run the gradle task from your IDE:

- Use Docker containers in your JUnit tests
- Spock extension also available ;)

class JpaTests extends Specification {
PostgreSQLContainer postgresContainer = new PostgreSQLContainer()
- PostgreSQLContainer will wait until the database is fully operational

Using Testcontainers
- Change the BookRepositoryTests to use a MySQL 5.5 container instead of a postgres
- Keep track: How many project files do you have to change?
- Also change to the latest Jitpack version of the library
Your client tells you they're - by some obscure policy - not allowed to run a postgres database. They are instead confined to using MySQL 5.5. No way you're going to install that on your local machine for testing.
- We can use the Testcontainers library to use containers for integration tests
- This brings our test and production environment closer together
- We can easily simulate other deployment scenarios
- We can isolate the test environment from the host system
- This allows for more stable integration tests between developer machines and your continuous integration server
- Any developer can run the same integration tests - no weird dependency management, no "works on my machine", no excuses
Deploy and configure Spring-Boot microservices
using docker-compose
Our bookstore application depends on creating the schema at startup...
In our integration test, using the PostgreSQLContainer ensures the database is ready.
But how do we ensure the database is ready in our deployment scenario?
'Correct' answer:
"We don't"
- Rather build applications that can easily recover from network failure
- Rather fail to boot dependent services in a swarm environment
- service will be restarted until it works
- BUT there are legacy applications...
- ... and more often than not, framework mechanisms don't play nice with that idea

Introducing Dockerize
- Delay your application start until a port is reachable
version: "2"
image: postgres
image: devops/myservice
- "db"
- dockerize
- -wait
- tcp://db:5432
- -timeout
- 120s
- java
- -jar
- myservice.jar
Installing Dockerize
In your createDockerfile-task:
task createDockerfile(type: Dockerfile) {
// Install dockerize
environmentVariable('DOCKERIZE_VERSION', 'v0.3.0')
runCommand 'apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget'
runCommand 'wget \$DOCKERIZE_VERSION/dockerize-linux-amd64-$DOCKERIZE_VERSION.tar.gz \
&& tar -C /usr/local/bin -xzvf dockerize-linux-amd64-$DOCKERIZE_VERSION.tar.gz \
&& rm dockerize-linux-amd64-$DOCKERIZE_VERSION.tar.gz'
Bootiful Containers
By Kevin Wittek
Bootiful Containers
- 2,325