A Year in Review - The Past, the Present and the Future

- Blockchain Research Group Lead @ Institute for Internet Security
- PhD Student @ RWTH Aachen
- Consultant & Coach
- Testcontainers Maintainer and Open Source Enthusiast
Blockchain Activities
- Bloxberg Consortium
- Sovrin Steward Council
- Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador
Kevin Wittek @kiview

Thanks to Sergei!
(for slides, idea and everything else)

Testing Honeycomb

GenericContainer redis =
new GenericContainer("redis:3.0.2")
// test my stuff
The Project
- testcontainers-java first released in 2015
- 100% OSS, MIT licensed
- 65 releases, 149 contributors
- Core maintainers
- Richard North
- Sergei Egorov
- Kevin Wittek
- Forks in Python, C#, Rust, Go, JS; Scala wrapper


- Generic docker container support
- use any Docker image to support tests
- Databases (many!) and Stream processing (Kafka, Pulsar)
- AWS mocks (Localstack)
- Docker Compose
- Selenium
- Chaos testing
Capabilities (2)
- Dynamic port binding and API
- WaitStrategies
- Docker environment discovery (e.g. docker-machine, DOCKER_HOST, Docker for Mac, Docker for Windows)
- Platform independent
- Linux, macOS, Windows 10 (with NPIPE support!)

Testcontainers-Jupiter (JUnit5)
class SomeTest {
private MySQLContainer mySQLContainer = new MySQLContainer();
void someTestMethod() {
String url = mySQLContainer.getJdbcUrl();
// create a connection and run test as normal

- Use Testcontainers
- Use copyFileToContainer
- Use fixed host ports
- Disable Ryuk without understanding the implications
- Assume Podman is a Docker drop-in replacement
What happened so far...
Sep, 2018 (1.9.x)
- OkHttp by default
- Windows npipe support
- Registry auth support on Windows
- Fix local compose on Windows
- Host ports exposing

final String rootUrl =
String.format("http://host.testcontainers.internal:%d/", localServerPort);
Sep, 2018 (1.9.x)
- Dynamic port binding in Couchbase module
- New modules
- ClickHouse
- PostGIS
Nov, 2018 (1.10.x)
- JUnit5 (Jupiter) support
- Documentation relaunch
- Code examples from as part of CI
- ENV var to turn off Ryuk (TESTCONTAINERS_RYUK_DISABLED=true)
- shm + tmpfs settings
- Dependabot
- New modules
- Neo4j & Elasticsearch
You can see an example test that could
have been written for it (without using Testcontainers):
[Pre-Testcontainers test code]
Dependabot PRs

Dependabot FTW!

Mar, 2019 (1.11.x)
- Chaos testing support (toxiproxy)
- fsync=off for PostgreSQL module
- Drop Netty transport
- Reworking shading
Jul, 2019 (1.12.x)
- dependsOn API
- Improved pull handling
- CI for Windows!
- Azure Pipelines with private Windows node
- New modules
- DB2, CockroachDB & RabbitMQ
GenericContainer container = new GenericContainer()
.dependsOn(postgresContainer, kafkaContainer);
Jul, 2019 (1.12.x)
- Secure logging defaults for properties and environment variables
- Use official Oracle JDBC driver
- Support for DockerClient event streaming
- Docker Compose --build support
- Image pull policies (AgeBasedPullPolicy)
new GenericContainer<>(imageName)
AgeBasedPullPolicy oneHour = new AgeBasedPullPolicy(
Duration.of(1L, ChronoUnit.HOURS)
new GenericContainer<>(imageName)
Mar, 2020 (1.13.x)
- Access Docker Compose containers by service name
- New modules
- Presto & OrientDB
public DockerComposeContainer environment =
new DockerComposeContainer(new File("src/test/resources/compose-test.yml"))
.withExposedService("redis_1", REDIS_PORT)
.withExposedService("db_1", 3306);
Optional<ContainerState> result = environment.getContainerByServiceName("db_1");
Apr, 2020 (1.14.x)
- docker-java updated to 3.2.x (deprecations!)
- R2DBC support
- Improved Couchbase support
- JUnit Jupiter and Spock is now TestLifecycleAware
- Supporting VNC recording
Apr, 2020 (1.14.x)
- New modules!
- MongoDB
- Apache Solr
- Migrated away from using quay.io for default images

Oct, 2020 (1.15.x RC)
- Support for rootless Docker!
- Deprecation of ambiguous constructors
- Un-shade docker-java-api
- Optional Apache HttpClinet 5 transport
- GCloud module
- Confluent 6 and MongoDB 4.4 support
- Docker for Mac fixes
// deprecrate
new XyzContainer()
new XyzContainer(String)
// in favor for
new XyzContainer(DockerImageName)
// allowing
new XyzContainer( DockerImageName.parse( "the/image:tag" ) )
Oct, 2020 (1.15.x RC)
- Image compatibility check, less magic!
// will just work
new KafkaContainer(DockerImageName.parse("confluentinc/cp-kafka:any"));
// will initially fail
new KafkaContainer(DockerImageName.parse("some-other-kafka"));
// be explicit instead!
new KafkaContainer(DockerImageName.parse("some-other-kafka"))
and Common Pitfalls...

SELF-typing is sometimes a PITA
- Pattern defined in "Effective Java"
- Generic type with a recursive type paramter
- MyClass<T extends MyClass<T>>
- Doesn't play nice with other JVM languages (Scala, Kotlin)
- Confusing for new users and contributors
- Not consistent with all modules
- Using functional Builder-Pattern
- Maybe Lombok @SuperBuilder?
- Double Brace Initialization
- People don't like this 😱

Double Brace Initialization 😜
private GenericContainer myContainer = new GenericContainer("myImage:42.23") {{
if (System.getenv().get("INSIDE_CI") == null) {
Existing Kotlin 😱
val redisContainer = GenericContainer<Nothing>("redis:3-alpine")
.apply {
TDD workflows

- Container startup introduces overhead
- Testcontainers should be ephemeral
- We still want to avoid test pollution and integrated tests

Released in 1.12.3
Moar Future
- Testcontainers 2.0
- Complete Podman support
- Working with RedHat on making the TC test suite feature parity reference test suite :)
- Container-Core
- Test-Framework agnostic
- OO abstraction of Docker containers
- Other languages
- More languages and aligning existing forks
- GraalVM (mind=blown)

Fire in OSS land 🔥

Fire in OSS land 🔥🔥

Peace restored 🤗

Far Future...
TODO: add Safe Harbor Statement here
- Windows Containers on Windows (WCOW)
- Orchestrators (Docker Swarm, Kubernetes)
- Maybe one day...
- Other container engines (e.g. Podman, Firecracker)
- Build and test inside containers with full IDE support
- Cloud IDEs
- Visual Studio Code Remote Development
- The goal: Improve dev productivity!

GitHub Sponsors

Testcontainers - The Past, the Present and the Future (IT-Tage 2020)
By Kevin Wittek
Testcontainers - The Past, the Present and the Future (IT-Tage 2020)
- 966