A Year in Review

Software Engineer @ codecentric AG
- Starting my PhD next month @ Institute for Internet Security
- Consultant @ Styrascosoft GbR
- Testcontainers Maintainer and Open Source Enthusiast
- Oracle Groundbreaker Amabassador
- Organizer Software Craftsmanship Meetup Ruhr
Kevin Wittek @kiview

Thanks to Sergei!
(for slides and everything else)

Why do we Test?
Because else we might end up here!

My definiton
For example:
- Launch application server
- Framework/Library interactions
- Interact with external ports (e.g. network, file system, database)
"Tests which interact with external systems/dependencies"
But why a pyramid?

Testing Honeycomb
Integrated Tests
"I use the term integrated test to mean any test whose result (pass or fail) depends on the correctness of the implementation of more than one piece of non-trivial behavior." - J.B. Rainsberger
"A test that will pass or fail based on the correctness of another system." - Spotify
Integrated Tests
For example:
- We (manually) spin up other services in a local testing environment
- We test against other services in a shared testing environment
- Changes to your system breaks tests for other systems
Integration Testing Transformation

GenericContainer redis =
new GenericContainer("redis:3.0.2")
// test my stuff
The project
- testcontainers-java first released in 2015
- 100% OSS, MIT licensed
- 65 releases, 149 contributors
- Core maintainers
- Richard North
- Sergei Egorov
- Kevin Wittek
- Forks in Python, C#, Rust, Go, JS; Scala wrapper
- Generic docker container support
- use any Docker image to support tests
- Databases (many!) and Stream processing (Kafka, Pulsar)
- AWS mocks (Localstack)
- Docker Compose
- Selenium
- Chaos testing
Capabilities (2)
- Dynamic port binding and API
- WaitStrategies
- Docker environment discovery (e.g. docker-machine, DOCKER_HOST, Docker for Mac, Docker for Windows)
- Platform independent
- Linux, macOS, Windows 10 (with NPIPE support!)

Works on Windows too!
JDK12 Compatible!
+ regularly build against openjdk-ea


Spock Extension
class TestContainersClassIT extends Specification {
GenericContainer genericContainer =
new GenericContainer("postgres:latest")
// Set up a redis container
public static GenericContainer redis =
new GenericContainer("redis:3.0.2")
JUnit4 Rules
Testcontainers-Jupiter (JUnit5)
class SomeTest {
private MySQLContainer mySQLContainer = new MySQLContainer();
void someTestMethod() {
String url = mySQLContainer.getJdbcUrl();
// create a connection and run test as normal

What happened so far...

Testcontainers - A Year in Review
By Kevin Wittek
Testcontainers - A Year in Review
- 1,251