Katya Malinova PRO
I am an Associate Professor, Mackenzie Investments Chair in Evidence-Based Investment Management at the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Canada.
John M. Griffin & Kevin Mei
DeGroote School of Business
McMaster University
4th Annual CBER Conference
NYC, May 23, 2024
Reported Scammer Address
focus on Ethereum paths that start from exchange wallets sending funds
to scammer addresses and end at user deposit addresses
Reported Scammer Address
"Deposit Addresses"
at Exchanges
Concern 1: "tool includes proprietary
criteria to terminate a trace path if funds reach an address that is unlikely to be a scammer"
"Deposit Addresses"
at Exchanges
Deposit Addresses
at Exchanges
"sum all inflows to these addresses and find $75.3 billion"
Concern/Question 2: addresses may belong to entities that service other (illicit?) activities?
Question 3: How much money EXIT the exchanges?
Comment/Concern 1B:
Comment/Question 4:
First recorded fraud: 300BC
World Economic Forum:
By Katya Malinova
CBER 2024 Dscussion
I am an Associate Professor, Mackenzie Investments Chair in Evidence-Based Investment Management at the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Canada.