Welcome to the future of JavaScript frameworks
Kuba Waliński
Kuba Waliński
- kubawalinski@gmail.com
- @kubawalinski
- github.com/kubawalinski
- blog.kubawalinski.com
But one day I got it...
Follow prophet Douglas
JavaScript: The Good Parts
An inconvenient API
The Theory of the DOM
by Douglas Crockford
jQuery to the rescue
This is awesome!
I know css, so I can now program in JavaScript!
Today we already know that
JavaScript a few years ago
JavaScript today
JavaScript front and back
promising beginnings
the elephant in the room
And then...
all hell broke loose
as JavaScript popularity went through the roof
Angular 2
etc. etc.
Yet Another JS Framework was released today
And I am OK with that
by Judah Gabriel Himango
The state of JavaScript
in 2015
by Jimmy Breck-Mckye
Enter Aurelia
should we offer her a warm welcome?
Rob Eisenberg
- 10 years of front-end framework development
- Creator of Caliburn.Micro and Durandal
- Former Angular 2.0 Team Member
- Creator and project lead of Aurelia
- Just JavaScript (ES6/7)
- Collection of collaborating libraries
- Tool to build JavaScript Clients (web, desktop, mobile)
- Follows a philosophy
- Open Source (MIT)
- Clean Code
- Simple Conventions
- Testable
- Rapid Adoption + Large Community
- Commercially backed by Durandal Inc.
- ES6/7, Modern DOM, Web Components
- No external dependencies (except polyfills)
- Aurelia will get smaller and faster with time
- Simple yet powerful programming model
- Modern & future compatible 2-way databinding
- Path forward for Durandal and Angular
Getting started
- npm install -g gulp jspm yo generator-aurelia
- yo aurelia
- npm install
- jspm install
- gulp watch
- Public preview
- Beta coming out in a few weeks
- Real apps in production
- Rapid adoption and large, active community
Next Steps
- IE9/IE10 Support
- CLI & Bundling
- Stabilizing the API
- Performance Optimizations
- Rich, Interactive Docs
- Plugins
- Beta
By Kuba Waliński
- 934