Kuba Waliński
Kuba Waliński
- happyteam.io
- kubawalinski@gmail.com
- @kubawalinski
- github.com/kubawalinski
But one day I got it...
Ecma TC39
- EcmaScript (JavaScript is trademarked)
- Independent
- chosen by Netscape to "fight" Microsoft
- Crockford says nobody else would standardise it
- ES6 - the last of the big ones
- standards take time
- a lot of parties involved
- contains vs MooTools => includes
- ES7 and beyond - release trains
JavaScript a few years ago
JavaScript today
ES6 - Improved JavaScript
- complex apps
- libraries
- code generators
Using ES6 today
Shims & Polyfills
- https://github.com/es-shims/es6-shim
- https://github.com/jakearchibald/es6-promise
- https://github.com/google/traceur-compiler
- https://babeljs.io/ (previously 6to5)
Transpiling on the fly
(Fat) Arrow Functions
Arrow Functions
console.log([1,2,3,4].map(x=>x*2)); //[2,4,6,8] var square = x => x ** 2; console.log(square); //[Function] console.log(square(4)); //16 console.log(square(3)); //9
console.log([1,2,3,4].map(function(x) { return x * 2 })); //[2,4,6,8] var square = function(x){ return x*x; }; console.log(square(4)); //16 console.log(square(3)); //9
Solving "this" problems
#1 reason for facepalms in JavaScript
Arrow Functions
var name = "Bob"; var bob = { name: name, friends: ["John", "Tom"], printFriends: function() { this.friends.forEach(function(f) { console.log(this.name + " knows " + f); }); } }; bob.printFriends(); //TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
var name = "Bob"; var bob = { name, friends: ["John", "Tom"], printFriends() { this.friends.forEach(f => { console.log(this.name + " knows " + f); }); } }; bob.printFriends(); //Bob knows John //Bob knows Tom
var name = "Bob"; var bob = { name: name, friends: ["John", "Tom"], printFriends: function() { var self = this; this.friends.forEach(function(f) { console.log(self.name + " knows " + f); }); } }; bob.printFriends(); //Bob knows John //Bob knows Tom
Lexical this
a welcome addition?
class Vehicle { constructor(name) { this.kind = 'Vehicle'; this.name = name; } printName() { console.log(this.name); } } class Car extends Vehicle { constructor(name) { super(name); this.kind = 'Car'; } }
var mazda = new Car('Mazda'); console.log(mazda.kind); //Car mazda.printName(); //Mazda console.log(mazda.hasOwnProperty('name')); //true console.log(mazda.hasOwnProperty('printName')); //false console.log(mazda.__proto__.hasOwnProperty('printName')); //false console.log(mazda.__proto__.__proto__.hasOwnProperty('printName')); //true
Easier string manipulation
Template Strings
console.log(`In JavaScript '\t\t' is a couple of tabs.`); // In JavaScript ' ' is a couple of tabs. console.log(`In JavaScript this is not legal.`); // In JavaScript this is // not legal. var name = "Bob", time = "today"; console.log(`Hello ${name}, how are you ${time}?`); // Hello Bob, how are you today? var car = { make: "Mazda", model: "RX-8", production: [2007,2008,2009] }; console.log(`Production started in ${car.production[0]}.`); // Production started in 2007.
var [a, , b, c=4] = [1,2,3]; console.log(a,b,c); // 1 3 4 var {w,x,y,z:surprise} = {x:"this", y:"is", z:"amazing"} console.log(w,x,y,surprise); // undefined 'this' 'is' 'amazing' var getPerson = () => { return {name: "Kuba", company:"HT"} }; var {name: myName} = getPerson(); console.log(myName); // Kuba function g({name: x, surname}) { console.log(x, surname); } g({name: "Tom", surname: "Jones"}); // Tom Jones
More syntactic sugar
Default / Rest / Spread
function f(x, y=12, z=2*y) { console.log(x,y,z); } f(1,2,3); // 1 2 3 f(5,8); // 5 8 16 f(4); // 4 12 24 function g(x, ...y) { console.log(y); } g(3, "hello", true); // ["hello", true] function h(x, y, z) { console.log(x + y + z); } h(...[1,2,3]); // 6
Function scope and var
#2 reason for facepalms in JavaScript
let & const
function() { { console.log(x); //should throw a ReferenceError let x = "start"; y = "start"; console.log(x,y); // start start { const z = "permanent"; //z = "can't touch this"; x = "inner"; var y = "works everywhere"; console.log(x,y,z); // inner works everywhere permanent } //let x = "new value"; //illegal } //x = "end"; y = "end"; console.log(y); // end }();
// lib/math.js export function sum(x, y) { return x + y; } export var pi = 3.141593; // app.js import * as math from "lib/math"; alert("2pi = " + math.sum(math.pi, math.pi)); // otherApp.js import {sum, pi} from "lib/math"; alert("2pi = " + sum(pi, pi));
// lib/math.js export function sum(x, y) { return x + y; } export var pi = 3.141593; // lib/mathplusplus.js export * from "lib/math"; export var e = 2.71828182846; export default function(x) { return Math.exp(x); } // app.js import exp, {pi, e} from "lib/mathplusplus"; alert("e**pi + e = " + (exp(pi) + e) );
What else?
- generators & iterators
- Unicode
- Maps & Sets
- Proxies & Reflect API
- Symbols
- Math + Number + String + Array + Object APIs
- Binary & Octal Literals
- Promises
- Tail Call Recursion
- Typed Arrays
- and more...
- https://slides.com/kubawalinski/futurejs
- https://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html
- https://github.com/es-shims/es6-shim
- https://github.com/google/traceur-compiler
- https://babeljs.io/
- http://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/
- https://github.com/lukehoban/es6features#readme
- https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/blob/master/README.md
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7664379246A246CB
What Future(of)JS?
old errors corrected
(hopefully) no new ones added
getting more powerful
vm for the web
will we forget about JS in a few years?
almost like learning a new language
expect new patterns to emerge
questions + feedback welcome
By Kuba Waliński
a brief look at the future of JavaScript
- 915