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What are we going to cover?





Code Samples




Who Is This Guy?



Kyle Tyacke

Flash / Web Dev

Developer Evangelist Respoke

Beer Geek



Who Are You?



What the Heck Is WebRTC?




“is a free, open project that enables web browsers with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple JavaScript APIs.”




“is a free, open project that enables web browsers with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple JavaScript APIs.”




“is a free, open project that enables web browsers with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple JavaScript APIs.”




“is a free, open project that enables web browsers with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple JavaScript APIs.”




“is a free, open project that enables web browsers with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple JavaScript APIs.”






How Does WebRTC Work?



When Bob Met Alice



An Ideal World!



The Real World...



ICE, ICE, Baby



The Complete Connection



Simple Right?






A set of API's that gives developers the ability to easily add real-time communication to their applications.



Like WebRTC?



Sort of...



Remember This?







But Wait! There's More...



Open Source

Cross-browser Support

Endpoint Discovery

Endpoint Messaging



Phone System Support

Mobile SDKs




Create a Respoke Account

Connecting to Respoke



 // App ID value from the dev portal. You can play
 // around with the supplied ID or replace it with
 // your own.
 var appid = "b4931d40-ff2b-4c46-8487-bf955a75501d";
 var endpointId;

 // Create the client object using the App ID 
 var client = respoke.createClient({
     appId: appid,
     developmentMode: true

 // "connect" event fired after successful connection to Respoke
 client.listen('connect', function() {
     $("#status").html("Connected to Respoke as \"" + endpointId + "\"");

 // Connect to Respoke when the user clicks "connect"
 $("#doLogin").click(function() {
     // Update the status message

     // Grab our username
     endpointId = $("#endpoint").val();

     // Connect to Respoke
         endpointId: endpointId




// Listen for incoming messages
client.listen('message', function(evt) {
        "<li>" + evt.message.message + "</li>"

// Send message
$("#sendMessage").click(function() {
    // Get the recipients name
    var remote = $("#remoteId").val();

    // Make an endpoint for that recipient
    var endpoint = client.getEndpoint({
        id: remote

    // Grab the text to send
    var messageText = $("#textToSend").val();

    // Send it
        message: messageText

    // Show yourself the message
        "<li>" + messageText + "</li>"

    // Clear the text you just sent

Group Messaging



// "connect" event fired after successful connection to Respoke
client.listen('connect', function() {
    $("#status").html("Connected to Respoke as \"" + endpointId + "\"");

    // Update group status message
    $('#groupStatus').html('Joining group ' + groupId);

    // Automatically join the group once connected
        id: groupId,
        onSuccess: function(grp) {
            $('#groupStatus').html('Joined group ' +;

            // Store reference to the Group object
   = grp;
        onMessage: function(evt) {
                "<li>" + evt.message.message + "</li>"

// Send message
$("#sendMessage").click(function() {
    // Grab the message to send
    var groupMsg = $('#groupMsg').val();

    // Send message to the entire group
        message: groupMsg

    // Show yourself the message
        "<li>" + groupMsg + "</li>"

    // Clear the message input

// Leave the group
$("#leaveGroup").click(function() {
        onSuccess: function(evt) {
            $('#groupStatus').html('Left group ' + groupId);

Video Calling



// The options for our video call including constraints and callbacks
var callOptions = {
    constraints: {
        audio: true,
        video: true

    // Your video
    onLocalMedia: function(evt) {
        setVideo('localVideoSource', evt.element)

    // Their video
    onConnect: function(evt) {
        setVideo('remoteVideoSource', evt.element)

// Listen for incoming calls
client.listen('call', function(evt) {
    activeCall =;

    // We only want to answer if we didn't initiate the call
    if (activeCall.caller !== true) {

        // The hangup event indicates the call is over
        activeCall.listen('hangup', function() {

// Call the recipient
$("#doCall").click(function() {
    var recipientId = $("#remoteId").val();
    var recipientEndpoint = client.getEndpoint({
        id: recipientId
    activeCall = recipientEndpoint.startVideoCall(callOptions);

// Hangup the call

// Adds the supplied video element as a child of the supplied element
function setVideo(elementId, videoElement) {
    var videoParent = document.getElementById(elementId);
    videoParent.innerHTML = "";

// End the current call and clean up the DOM
function hangUp() {
    activeCall = null;

    // Remove the video elements

Screen Sharing



<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Respoke - Screensharing Example</title>
    <!-- Respoke client library -->
    <!-- <script src=""></script> -->
    <script src=""></script>

    <!-- jQuery, note that we are loading over HTTPS from google's CDN -->
    <script src=""></script>

    <!-- Some simple styles to make things perty -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">

    <!-- Chrome screensharing extension -->
    <link rel="chrome-webstore-item" href="">

    <h3 id="status">Not Connected</h3>
    <h4 id="sharing"></h3>
    <div id="login">
        <input id="endpoint" placeholder="Username" type="text" />
        <button id="doLogin">Connect</button>
        <input id="remoteId" placeholder="User to Call" type="text" />
        <button id="doStartScreenShare">Share Screen</button>
        <button id="doStopScreenShare">Stop Sharing</button>

    <!-- Video object to attach the stream to -->
    <video id="localVideoElement"></video>
    <video id="remoteVideoElement"></video>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {

        // App ID value from the dev portal. You can play
        // around with the supplied ID or replace it with
        // your own.
        var appid = "b4931d40-ff2b-4c46-8487-bf955a75501d";
        var activeCall;
        var endpointId;

        // Create the client object using the App ID 
        var client = respoke.createClient({
            appId: appid,
            developmentMode: true,

        // "connect" event fired after successful connection to Respoke
        client.listen('connect', function() {
            $("#status").html("Connected to Respoke as \"" + endpointId + "\"");

        // Connect to Respoke when the user clicks "connect"
        $("#doLogin").click(function() {
            endpointId = $("#endpoint").val();

                endpointId: endpointId // your username is the endpoint
        // Listen for incoming calls
        client.listen('call', function(evt) {
            activeCall =;

            // We only want to answer if we didn't initiate the call
            if(activeCall.caller !== true) {
                var localVideoElement  = document.getElementById('localVideoElement');
                var remoteVideoElement = document.getElementById('remoteVideoElement');

                    videoLocalElement: localVideoElement,
                    videoRemoteElement: remoteVideoElement

                // The hangup event indicates the call is over
                activeCall.listen('hangup', function () {

        // Check if the user has the Chrome Screen Sharing Extension installed
        $("#doStartScreenShare").click(function() {
            if (respoke.needsChromeExtension && !respoke.hasChromeExtension) {
                // Install the extension then start screen sharing
                // Extension is already installed, start screen sharing

        function onExtensionInstallSuccess(evt) {

        // Start sharing your screen with the specified recipient
        function startScreenShare(){
            var recipientId         = $("#remoteId").val();
            var recipientEndpoint   = client.getEndpoint({ id: recipientId });

            var localVideoElement   = document.getElementById('localVideoElement');
            var remoteVideoElement  = document.getElementById('remoteVideoElement');

            activeCall = recipientEndpoint.startScreenShare({
                videoLocalElement: localVideoElement,
                videoRemoteElement: remoteVideoElement

            $("#sharing").html("Sharing your screen with \"" + recipientId + "\"");

        function onExtensionInstallFailure(evt){
            console.log("There was a problem installing the Chrome Screen Sharing Extension.", evt);

        // Stop the screen share

        // Stop the screen share and clean up the DOM
        function stopScreenShare() {
            activeCall = null;

            // Remove the video elements


Docs and Additional Examples



What's It All Mean?



Faster Development



Better User Experience



Happy Bosses



Happy Bosses Users!



Communication should be a feature, not a product...

Kyle Tyacke

Examples and Source


Communicate All the Things - SpaceCityJS

By Kyle Tyacke

Communicate All the Things - SpaceCityJS

A talk on getting started with WebRTC and the Respoke Javascript Library.

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