Javascript for control freaks
What is Flow?
- A static type checker that catches common errors in your application before they run
- A checker, not a compiler
- Example:
Why even use a typechecker?
- there seems to be little or no impact on productivity
- initial effort to introduce a checker is low, though (especially true for flow)
- but: a type system is a complex thing
My recommendation
- if your project does not live for long: no
- if your project is really simple: no
- if there is a chance you will need to refactor the thing: yes
- if your system is very important or even crucial for the success of your company: yes
- if people enter or leave your team frequently: yes
(I stole this slide from here)
Flow: the good parts
The goal is to:
Write bug-resistant code
Write more robust code
Make it easier to read
Make it faster to write
Bugs prevented + understandable code > time it takes to tag stuff
Code will run even with type errors
Forces nullchecking
Only checks files tagged with @flow
Assumes you have no idea what you’re doing \o/ (not true for typescript)
Flow: the bad parts
You gotta actually tag stuff (but if you don’t, nbd)
Extra compile step (babel plugin for that)
Writing your own type classes just for flow
This can be kind of a pain, but is better in the long run
Forces you to actually think about your objects and try to conform with other files instead of just making up whatever you want as you go
Flow Primer
x: number
x: string
x: boolean
x: null
x: void // typeof === ‘undefined’
x: mixed // I have thought about this, and you can use a variety of types
x: any // I may or may not have thought about this and idk what type ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Built-in types
Flow Primer
x: Function
x: Object // IT’S SOMETHING.. Not sure what. Or I can’t be bothered.
x: Response // for HTTP stuff
x: Promise // for json returns
x: MyCoolObject // for types you've defined
Other common types
Flow Primer
Basic example
<- flow cries :(
variables have annotations
function returns have annotations
@flow means flow looks @ this
Flow Primer
- In flow, variables are defaulted non-nullable
- Put ? after a variable name if you're okay with it being undefined or not there
- Null won't work in this case, though.
- yep
- yep
- yep
- yeah
Flow Primer
- You can use ? to denote a nullable type
- Put ? before a type name if you're okay with it being null or undefined or not there.
- yep
- yep
- yep
- yep
- A-OK
Flow Primer
- Use if (for example) you want a parameter to be null or a string but NOT undefined
(x: this | that)
- yep
- yep
- nope
- nope
- yep
Flow Primer
- You can also make enums!
- super
- Flow = cry :(
Flow Primer
Making types
- It's good to define a type for the poor souls who will have to try and decipher your code.
- Example of some un-flow'd code:
Flow Primer
Making types
- flow'd code:
Flow Primer
You can go Java levels of crazy with this
How do you run it?
- It's a checker, not a compiler (kind of like eslint)
- you need a compiler to strip out the type stuff
- Babel has u covered
- first you need a .flowconfig file
$> npm install --save-dev flow-bin
$> flow
Things that are kinda bad
- Flow needs to have typedefs for objects that you use
- Or you get "Required module not found"
- Cool, objects are defined in node_modules usually
- BUT make sure you're using the right flow version, or you will get a million errors running flow on node_modules.
- You may be tempted to ignore the node_modules directory....... [edit] Avoid doing this :) :) :)
Third party libraries
Things that are kinda bad
- Ignore just specific node_modules files that are giving you problems
- Ignore all node_modules and include typedefs
Third party libraries
Going with option 2 can lead down a rabbit hole of bad juju
and is not recommended (by me) 🙃
Static typing
- More hints for finding bugs
- Can be easier for ppl unfamiliar with JS to understand
- Especially good for JSON data/REST responses
- Extra step for declaring types
- Third-party includes are a pain
- Bugs can be hard to track down
- Vague variables and methods
- quick development
- If variable changes type, we don't care
- null checks can slip through
Ubiquitous comparison chart
Dynamic typing
- Flow/Typescript comparison: https://djcordhose.github.io/flow-vs-typescript/2016_hhjs.html#/
- Official Flow: https://flowtype.org/docs/
- Flow types cheatsheet: http://www.saltycrane.com/blog/2016/06/flow-type-cheat-sheet/
- flow-typed: https://github.com/flowtype/flow-typed
- People gettin salty on github: https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/869
- IS wiki page: https://wiki.infusionsoft.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=57606539
Flow (short)
By Laurel Bruggeman
Flow (short)
javascript for control freaks
- 473