Getting Started Speaking Workshop





Front end designer, developer,

instructor, speaker, volunteer, TA

Hi, I'm Lauren!


2004: Quietest


That's me






Introverts are plagued by public speaking anxiety




84% of public speaking anxiety was completely unrelated to introversion-extraversion




It has nothing to do with extraversion. It's a performance, and many performers are hugely introverted


Malcolm Gladwell

Introverted Writer



2015: Speaker(!?)


Still quiet & introverted
















You don't have to know everything










We all have our own thing, that's the magic, that everybody comes with their own sense of strength and their own queendom. Mine could never compare to hers and hers could never compare to mine.


Jill Scott

Singer, Poet






Your voice matters






You have a unique & valuable perspective








Finding a Location






Speaking Locations

  • Meetup Groups
  • Unconferences
  • WordCamps
  • Office meetings








Jot down meetups, conferences, unconferences, etc. you've been to








Choosing a Topic



Talk Topics

  • Things you want to learn about
  • Something you're REALLY EXCITED ABOUT!!!
  • Things you do every day
  • Something you want feedback on






  • What do you want to learn about?
  • What are you really excited about?
  • What have you just learned about?
  • What tasks do you do every day?
  • What do you want feedback on?







Getting Courage






You may never feel "ready"






Find Support






Tell Your People







Jot down the names of those who support you, inspire you, are doing what you want to be doing


Optionally, tweet at someone and let them know they inspire you



Writing a Talk Description






Getting Started Speaking


This talk will cover how to get started speaking. This talk is for anyone who ever thought they didn’t know enough or thought that their knowledge wasn’t worth sharing. I’ll share my story as an introvert of how I got started speaking and some ways to gain confidence and momentum on the way to leveling up.








Write down possible title and a short description








Fleshing it Out






Write an Outline

  • What: Choosing a topic
  • Brainstorm locations
  • Title & description
  • Write an outline
  • Slides
  • Practice






  • Google Slides
  • Keynote
  • Powerpoint














  • In the mirror
  • With a colleague
  • With a friend
  • Someone who's not in your field
  • Record yourself





Speaking Tips

  • Your audience wants you to do well
  • They are there because they want to hear what you have to say
  • Don't tell them that you didn't prepare, even if you didn't

















Getting Started Speaking Workshop

By Lauren Pittenger

Getting Started Speaking Workshop

This talk will cover how to get started speaking. This talk is for anyone who ever thought they didn’t know enough or thought that their knowledge wasn’t worth sharing. I’ll share my story as an introvert of how I got started speaking and some ways to gain confidence and momentum on the way to leveling up.

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