Web RTS Game

wp2018 group H


  • System Architecture
  • Game Frontend
  • Game Backend
  • Demo

Make what we want, play what we make.

System Architecture

Game Frontend


How to play

  • User Login
  • Select First Space(Home)
  • Build and Develop
    • Defend / Attack : via Human
  • Game goal : To earn the most resources

Game Backend

Goroutine & channel

Handle concurrent jobs easily

Use non-SQL database

Key-Value database

(also used by Minecraft)


  • Use time-based game calculation
  • Only calculate new value when requested
  • Only access database when rate changed

Player A:

Money: 1000

Money/sec: 100

Player A:

Money: 1800

Money/sec: 100

8 Sec

Web RTS Game

By Yao-Hsien Hsieh

Web RTS Game

WP2018 midterm project slideshow

  • 321