Why People Like Craft Beer In Punjab | Chandigarh | Panchkula

There are many health benefits to drink craft beer.





Letz Brew The Microbrewery Panchkula Punjab

Check out the benefits in detail below-

Beer Rich In B Vitamins

Beer is full of B vitamins from the yeast.

Unfiltered beer is especially high in B3, B6 and folic acid (B9). B3 aids in cell repair and B6 eases PMS. Folic acid aids in colon cancer prevention.

High In Fiber

Beer contains fiber, which acts as a natural

laxative. It also slows the rate at which food leaves your stomach, which means it suppresses appetite. So indulge in a beer, and know you’re preventing overeating.

Stress Reduction

A beer a day keeps stress and heart attacks away. Moderate alcohol consumption can reduce stress and anxiety, known contributors of heart disease.

According to the Mayo Clinic, alcohol reduces

risk Of dying of a heart attack and possibly

reduces risk of strokes. “Moderate” is defined

as up to 12 ounces per day for women and 24

ounces per day for men. Drink to that.

Lower Risk Of Type-2 Diabetes

Multiple studies have shown that beer drinkers

had an approximately 30 percent lower risk of

type-2 diabetes than test subjects who


Lower Risk Of Developing Gallstones

Beer drinking is associated with a reduced risk

for gallstones, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Gallstones are made up of

cholesterol, bile and other things

that cause pain in the stomach.

No one wants to

deal with that.

Beer Have Anti-Microbial Properties

Hops, the bitter flowers used in brewing, are

known to be antimicrobial, which could fight


Beer Have Anti-Microbial Properties

Hops, the bitter flowers used in brewing, are

known to be antimicrobial, which could fight


Good For Muscles

Muscles benefit from a substance in hops that keeps muscle from deteriorating.

Moderate Beer Consumption Is Good For Bone Density

Beer could keep bones strong. Researchers at

Tufts University found a positive link between

beer or wine consumption and hip-bone density.

Heavy drinking, however, led to bone loss,

                 according to the same study,

                            so be conservative.

Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease

Red wine is often touted as the healthiest

alcohol choice, but a Kaiser Permanente study

says not so fast. Incidences of heart disease for

beer drinkers were lower than for wine or

whiskey drinkers.

Get More Information of Craft Beer

Letz Brew deals in Microbrewery.

Contact at – LetzBrew  to know about

craft beer benefits and microbrewery setup in


Why People Like Craft Beer and Benefits of Beer Microbrewery Panchkula

By Ashley Wisly

Why People Like Craft Beer and Benefits of Beer Microbrewery Panchkula

Beer have many health Benefits that is why most of people like to drink Fresh beer at Panchkula and Chandigarh (Punjab). Making high quality of craft beer is not an easy task, to make fresh and tasty beer we should have a deep knowledge of beer and brewery equipment. Just check out the list of health benefits-

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