Social Network Analysis in R
Laboratory Four
Benjamin Lind
Social Network Analysis: Internet Research
St. Petersburg
22 August, 2013 (11:45-13:15)
Social Network Analysis: Internet Research
St. Petersburg
22 August, 2013 (11:45-13:15)
Why Model with p*?
Let's discuss the alternatives
Benefit of flexibility: p* / ERGM as "a language"
Expressed as:
P(Y = y) = exp(θ'*g(y)) / k(y)
Generalizations and Applications
Seperable Termporal Exponential Random Graph Models (STERGM)
- Can take either network or networkDynamic objects
- Model tie formation and dissolution as different processes
Simulate entire network from ego network parameters
- Tie distribution
- Homophily
- Triadic effects
- Uses "target" statistics
p* in R
Requires statnet and the ergm package
Data must be in statnet's network format
For documentation on p*, see ?ergm
For documentation on which network features can be readily modeled, see ?ergm.terms
Acquire the Data
About the data
#snaspb2014 name network from on Aug 21, 2013
Added user attributes from profiles (via twitteR)
Coded whether or not attending #snaspb2013
library(RCurl)<-getURL("", ssl.verifypeer=FALSE)<-textConnection(
Includes both igraph and network objects
For ERGM compatibility, we'll be working with network
sapply(list.vertex.attributes(, function(x) return(get.vertex.attribute(, x)))
Plot the Data
plot(, vertex.cex=.75*log( %v% "statusesCount"), vertex.col=rev(rainbow(2, s=.75))[1+( %v% "attended"==T)], edge.col="light grey", bg="transparent", usecurve=TRUE, edge.curve=.01, layout.par=list(niter=5000, area=( %n% "n")^3))
(Bear in mind this syntax is for the network package, not igraph)
Start simple
Select the best models based upon the BIC
Does the model reflect reality?
Plot simulations for quick diagnosis
Compare simulated measurements to the observed
Check MCMC diagnostics when MCMC called
Baseline Model
Monte Carlo MLE Results:
Estimate Std. Error MCMC % p-value
edges -2.9836 0.1153 NA <1e-04 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Null Deviance: 2273.5 on 1640 degrees of freedom
Residual Deviance: 633.3 on 1639 degrees of freedom
AIC: 635.3 BIC: 640.7 (Smaller is better.)
Interpreting the Baseline Model
Coefficient estimates are conditional log-odds
Probability of a single tie forming = exp(-2.98)/(1+exp(-2.98))
Probability of a single tie forming = 0.04833763
Equal to density
Our reference BIC is 640.7
Simulate the Model
base.sim <- simulate(basemod)
plot(base.sim, vertex.cex=.75, vertex.col=rev(rainbow(2, s=.75))[1+(base.sim %v% "attended"==T)], edge.col="light grey", bg="transparent", usecurve=TRUE, edge.curve=.01, layout.par=list(niter=5000, area=(base.sim %n% "n")^3))
par(mfrow=c(2,2)); plot(base.gof)
Differential Homophily Model
mod1<-ergm( ~ edges + nodematch("attended", diff=TRUE))
Monte Carlo MLE Results:
Estimate Std. Error MCMC % p-value
edges -3.4139 0.1993 NA <1e-04 ***
nodematch.attended.FALSE -1.0969 0.4562 NA 0.0163 *
nodematch.attended.TRUE 1.8480 0.2558 NA <1e-04 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Null Deviance: 2274 on 1640 degrees of freedom
Residual Deviance: 547 on 1637 degrees of freedom
AIC: 553 BIC: 569.2 (Smaller is better.)
Differential Homophily Model
Effects are significant and in the expected directions
Probability of a tie between two attendees: 0.17
Probability of a tie between two non-attendees: 0.01
BIC of 569.2 is much better than in the edges-only model (640.7)
Model didn’t require Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation
Simulate the Model
mod1.sim <- simulate(mod1)
plot(mod1.sim, vertex.cex=.75, vertex.col=rev(rainbow(2, s=.75))[1+(mod1.sim %v% "attended"==T)], edge.col="light grey", bg="transparent", usecurve=TRUE, edge.curve=.01, layout.par=list(niter=5000, area=(mod1.sim %n% "n")^3))
par(mfrow=c(2,2)); plot(mod1.gof)
Edgewise Shared Partners
Does given edge among two actors result in each of those actors linking to a third party?
mod2<-ergm("attended", diff=TRUE)+gwesp(.5))
Are sample statistics significantly different from observed?
Nope? Good.
(If it did, we'd increase the MCMC sample size.)
Sample statistics auto-correlation:...
These are far too high. Increase the MCMC interval.
Sample statistics burn-in diagnostic (Geweke):...
Some of the p-values are a bit low. Increase MCMC burnin.
Edgewise Shared Partners
#If we had trouble with the sample statistics, we would try something like
#mod2.1<-ergm( ~ edges+nodematch("attended", diff = TRUE)+gwesp(.5), control = control.ergm( MCMC.burnin = 50000, MCMC.interval = 5000, MCMC.samplesize=50000))
#Instead, we'll use mod2.1<-ergm( ~ edges+nodematch("attended", diff = TRUE)+gwesp(.5), control = control.ergm( MCMC.burnin = 50000, MCMC.interval = 5000))
#The sample statistics aren't great, but everything else looks okay.
Edgewise Shared Partners
Monte Carlo MLE Results:
Estimate Std. Error MCMC % p-value
edges -3.6282 0.2023 0 < 1e-04 ***
nodematch.attended.FALSE -0.9298 0.4589 0 0.042908 *
nodematch.attended.TRUE 1.1690 0.2747 0 < 1e-04 ***
gwesp 0.5958 0.1174 0 < 1e-04 ***
gwesp.alpha 0.8021 0.2310 0 0.000531 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Null Deviance: 2273.5 on 1640 degrees of freedom
Residual Deviance: 535.4 on 1635 degrees of freedom
AIC: 545.4 BIC: 572.4 (Smaller is better.)
Edgewise Shared Partners
Shared Partner effect is significant.
Differential homophily effects are still significant.
BIC is slightly worse.
Simulate the Model
mod2.1.sim <- simulate(mod2.1)
plot(mod2.1.sim, vertex.cex=.75, vertex.col=rev(rainbow(2, s=.75))[1+(mod2.1.sim %v% "attended"==T)], edge.col="light grey", bg="transparent", usecurve=TRUE, edge.curve=.01, layout.par=list(niter=5000, area=(mod2.1.sim %n% "n")^3))
par(mfrow=c(2,2)); plot(mod1.gof)
So is it homophily?
An alternative hypothesis.
#What if those attending are just more popular?
plot(mod1.1.sim, vertex.cex=.75, vertex.col=rev(rainbow(2, s=.75))[1+(mod1.1.sim %v% "attended"==T)], edge.col="light grey", bg="transparent", usecurve=TRUE, edge.curve=.01, layout.par=list(niter=5000, area=(mod1.1.sim %n% "n")^3))
par(mfrow=c(2,2)); plot(mod1.1.gof)
#Compare to the findings from mod1. Which is the best model?
Exercise: Homophily & Politics
Comparing different homophily forms
library(igraph); library(intergraph)
polblogs<-nexus.get(id="polblogs") #0=liberal, 1=conservative
detach("package:igraph", unload=TRUE)
pol.nodecov<-ergm(polblogs~edges+nodecov("LeftRight")) #Is side more popular?
pol.nodematch<-ergm(polblogs~edges+nodematch("LeftRight")) #General homophily?
pol.nodematch.diff<-ergm(polblogs~edges+nodematch("LeftRight", diff=TRUE)) #Is one side more homophilous than the other?
pol.nodemix<-ergm(polblogs~edges+nodemix("LeftRight")) #Is one side more likely to link to the other?
Which homophilous mechanism is at play, if any?
Exercise: Other Explanations
- Look at list.vertex.attributes(
Open ?ergm.terms
- Look for terms appropriate for directed graphs
- Experiment!
follower.mod<-ergm( edges + nodefactor("attended") + nodecov("followersCount"))
#Consider recoding the skewed attributes on a log scale and reassigning the attribute %v% "followersCount.log" <- log( %v% "followersCount")
follower.log.mod<-ergm( edges + nodefactor("attended") + nodecov(log("followersCount.log")))
gwesp.mod<-ergm( edges + nodefactor("attended") + gwesp(.25))
cohort.mod<-ergm( edges + nodefactor("attended") + absdiff("created"))
SNA 2013-R Lab 4
By Benjamin Lind
SNA 2013-R Lab 4
- 7,148