Searching for Psychology Literature
Getting Started
Lisa Demczuk, University of Manitoba Libraries
Research question to search strategy
Research question / topic
What are the main concepts or ideas in your topic?
What is your topic or question?
What keywords will you use to search?
Research question to search strategy
What is the relationship between
self-esteem and social media use in adolescents?
social media
adolescents, teenagers, youth
topic or question
self-esteem, social media use, adolescents
Boolean operators
instagram OR twitter
instagram AND twitter
instagram NOT twitter
Search using keywords
More tools
self-esteem AND "social media" AND (adolescen* OR teen* OR youth*)
Truncation: use * (asterisk) on root word for different endings
Phrase searching: use " " (quotation marks) for phrases
Parentheses: use ( ) to enclose search terms that must be searched together
- refine topic or research question
- think of keywords to use in search
- choose appropriate boolean operators and other tools
- search and review results
- revise search with other keywords, subject headings
- look at references and Cited By for more articles
- select articles
Research Cycle
Search tools tips
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